Part One - Rewrite

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This book is being rewritten, a lot is changing, to make the plot and the characters better. This is the FIRST draft of the rewrite, and the "chapters" on wattpad will be longer as they will consist of multiple actual characters.

This is for those who love my book, and love Brett and Olivia and Kyle and Charlie and Liam and Adam - and want to get to know them even better than they could the first time i wrote this when i was much younger. THERE ARE A LOT OF NEW SCENES.

Thank you guys for everything you do - ENJOY..

Also if you see an error in this, comment on it and let me know :) every little helps!


There were two types of sounds that Brett Black liked hearing in his company: cries of pleasure and cries of pain. Sometimes they came hand in hand, and others, they were completely separate.

"Do you think that he understands yet?", John muttered beneath his breath. John was the older of the two leaders standing in the dark basement. He had a cigarette hanging between his dry, cracked lips as he smirked at the weak boy tied to the wooden chair in the middle of the dimly lit room.

A groan fell from the victims' mouth. "I didn't do anything," he grounds out, shaking and tired.

The group of men scoffed in response. "Did you hear that, Brett?", the older man takes the cigarette out of his mouth with one last puff of smoke, making his way towards the whimpering boy. "He didn't do anything," he sighs,
crouching down before the kid, twisting the lit cigarette between his pointer finger and his middle finger. "Are you sure about that?", John laughed, a harsh laugh, staring up at the boy now.

Brett, the younger leader, folded his arms across his chest, watching as his partner enjoyed himself. "Don't play with the kid, John," the handsome man seemed to purr, voice sounding robotic, despite the huskiness hidden beneath.

John sighed in defeat at the order instructed from Brett. Although John technically recruited Brett a million years ago, Brett was deemed the one in charge now. Everyone knew that.

"He played with our money," he responded, a sly smile creeping onto his face as he lifted the lit cigarette towards the kids' bloody face. "I think it's only fair that we return the honour," he decides, pushing the burning cigarette onto his face.

The young man screams in complete horror as his skin begins to sizzle beneath the cigarette. He begs, and he pleads, but nobody was going to help him down here. Nobody was going to come to his rescue. And as the man before him took the cigarette and forced it into his open mouth, halting his pained scream, he realized that his cries were hopeless.

"Swallow. It," John ordered, opening and closing his mouth, mimicking a chewing movement.

At first, the young man attempted to spit it out, it was only instinct. John took his jaw and forced it shut, and so he had no other choice but to chew and swallow the cigarette that had just burned his skin. "I didn't take your fucking money!", he yelled as soon as his jaw was let free.

And the laughter that had been flowing freely throughout the room, halted. Brett Black pushed himself from the wall, standing tall now. His hands hung loosely in his suit pants pockets as he focused his attention on the boy. Brett Black wouldn't be spoken to like that.

"I don't let my own kids talk to me like that, son," he cocked a brow at the boy. "What makes you think that I would let you?", his head tilted to the side slightly, and although the room was dark, the action didn't go unnoticed.

His men were silent. The boy went silent, despite the pain he felt.

Everybody in this business understood that John enjoyed inflicting pain, but it was Brett to be truly feared. Brett was entirely sadistic when he wanted to be; needed to be. He had skinned people alive. He'd pulled teeth from gums. He'd chopped ears and fingers from bodies, and he had done it so fucking slowly, making sure that whoever had been on the receiving end had felt every fucking molecule of pain.

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