10. Little cockblockers

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Just letting you ladies and gents know that this chapter will be shorter and maybe written a little shit because i'm writing on my phone for one, and it's also 1AM :)

I'll probably go over it tomorrow. Sorry if it's short.

He hesitated, he was hesitating. My heart was beating so hard against my chest that it physically pained me. Those blue eyes flickered between my lips and my own eyes, as if calculating the risk and the reward of his lips against mine.

I hope there was more rewards than risks.

For me, kissing him was worth every single risk in the damn world, but for him it was different. He was close with my father, his friends little girl, the little girl my dad was trusting him with.

I knew how hard this was for him, and that's why I wasn't going to wait for him to make the first move. Instead, I stood on my tip toes, and pressed a soft yet meaningful kiss against his lips.

Brett grew stiff, and his fingers dug into my skin even harder. An animalistic groan escaped his throat, finding its way out of his lips.

"Olivia—", He pleaded, his voice low and husky. I opened my eyes again, to see he was staring down at me with a pained expression. He was fighting with himself, that was obvious. "This is wrong," he said whilst pulling my front up against his. It was rough, the movement, the drag of my body to his held no gentleness. I whimpered, allowing my chest to be flush with his.

I couldn't disagree with him, this was wrong. This was the epitome of wrong. If you looked up wrong in the dictionary, a picture of this moment right here, would be on that page.

"Please," I begged. I was begging him - that wasn't like me at all. It was impossible to deny the feeling that he gave me, the rush he made me feel. Adrenaline and desire sparked inside of me with each look and touch that he gave me. It was something I'd never felt before. That attraction was so new to me and so foreign but welcomed.

Brett groaned, his head falling into the crook of my neck. I bit down on my bottom lip as he hid his face there, another groan falling from his inviting mouth. The noise against my skin made my bones weak. "You have to tell me no," He ordered, his breath fanning my neck.

"I'd be lying if I said no to you," The honesty fell from my lips before my brain could comprehend the sentence I'd managed to form.

Another groan. "Fuck," He growled, his lips pressing against my neck. The kiss was light, as if he was just getting a feel of my soft skin against his rough lips. "Fuck," He repeated, his mouth opening and welcoming my sweet skin. He kissed my neck. He licked it and bit it, and I let him.

I moaned, titling my head to the side to give him more access. I wanted him more than I've ever wanted anybody else. His scent filling my nostrils fuelled my desire for him even more. He smelt like rich leather and coffee and musky too. He smelt so good. So fucking good. I moan again when his lips move to nibble at the bottom of my earlobe.

"Fuck Olivia," One of his arms snaked around my waist, holding my front to his. His other hand slid up my arm to rest on the opposite side of my neck. Every single place that his calloused fingers brushed, heated up immensely. I could feel my skin burning - I was burning.

I moan when he rests his palm against the side of my neck, his thumb stroking across my jawline as his lips devoured the other side of my slim neck. I could feel his hard length pressing against my stomach and I felt my body moving closer to him to try and release some of that tension that he felt.

I moaned at the same time that he let out a grunt of approval. Maybe it was disapproval? I'd never know.

"Brett,", My head fell back as one of my arms snaked around the back of his head, my fingers gripping the hair at the nape of his neck, gripping it so tightly that he chuckled into my neck.

It was a dark chuckle - a sadistic, twisted and humourless chuckle. But it turned me on nevertheless.

"Say it again," He demanded, voice hoarse and thick with lust.

"Brett," I whimpered as he nibbled my neck again, leaving my earlobe burning for his mouth. "Brett please," I gasped for air, my lungs feeling empty. I wasn't sure of what I was begging for, but if he asked Id drop to my knees and beg down there too.

"Please what?", He taunted, his lips pausing their work against my neck. Instead, his face rested there. I could hear him just breathing, taking in my scent and this moment. I knew he was holding back a lot, and I hated it. "What do you want from me Olivia?", He asked lowly.

"Anything," I admitted mindlessly, drunk on lust.

"Anything?", He kissed my neck once more. It was a taunting kiss. A kiss that he knew would drive me crazy. "There are so many possibilities Olivia.", He added, pulling his head back, his hooded gaze finding my eyes.

"Show me," I hated that I was begging him.

His hands took my face in them, cupping each side of my neck, his thumbs running across my jaw as he concentrated on my lips. His eyes watched every breath that I took. "You should be disgusted with this," His eyes finally meet mine again.

"I'm not, I'm so far from disgusted. Get out a map and I'll show you how far from disgusted I am," I rasped out, smiling up at him to lighten the mood. Brett chuckled at my joke, and leaned further down, his lips so close to mine. So very close but so far at the same time.

"That mouth—", He breathed, one of his thumbs stroked across my bottom lip. My eyes fluttered shut, hoping that he would kiss me. I was praying to the gods that he would kiss me. I wasn't even religious. "You have no idea what kind of things I want you to do with that mouth," His hooded gaze seemed to darken some more, as if the thoughts entered his mind.

"I have a few ideas myself," I admitted, tone softer than before.

"Oh?", He cocked a brow. "And what would those ideas be Olivia?", He smirked knowingly at me. I don't think he expected me to say what we were both thinking, which is exactly why I said it.

"I'd like to put your cock in it," I licked my lips as the words left my mouth—but before he could answer, I heard Charlotte screaming my name and running down the stairs. We snapped away from one another faster than a lightning bolt. Our gazes averted and our bodies apart, I felt cold.

Brett turned to face the counter, not wanting the tent in his pants on show for anyone to see. His kids.

Kids.... I'd forgotten about those. Little cockblockers.

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