24. As much as I love those black thongs, take them off

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Mature content ahead :) Skip this chapter if you don't like sexual scenes. *cough cough* pussy *cough cough*
Anyways, enjoy. Please vote and comment! Pleaseee :)

Third Person POV

Brett's hands moved from her cheeks, to her waist, planted firmly there so he could allow his tongue to search her alcohol-tasting mouth. His body was responded to the moans that elicited from her.

He groaned in response and she wrapped her arms around the back of his head, pulling him closer to her, if that was even possible. He took a few steps forward, her following his lead, moving back with his movements.

And then her back hit her soft mattress. Brett laid Olivia back with so much gentleness that it shook her entire soul - her heart was beating rapidly against her ribcage. She'd never felt like this with anybody else. Olivia had had lovers before, one-night stands, and Ben - but never a real man. She'd never wanted someone as much as she did Brett.

"I won't be able to stop.", Brett admitted, his voice breathless against her lips. "If we carry on for a moment more, I won't be able to stop.", He repeated, his voice lower and more demanding, as if he was silently asking her to tell him to stop.

Olivia didn't want him to stop, so she said, "Good. I want this. I want you.", She pressed her lips against his again and he grunted in anger and frustration. Brett hated himself for letting this happen, but he wanted it more than anything.

Brett wanted to stop. His mind was screaming at him to stop, but his heart and his cock was stirring for this to continue. And Olivia's words only made him want it more. He knew they'd both regret it - or they should regret it.

"Don't run away again, please.", She begged, her legs spreading further apart. Brett planted his large body between them, crawling atop of her, his hands fisting the sheets beside her head as he held his weight off her.

"Please," She repeated when he pulled his face back to look down at her. Her cheeks were flushed red still, but it wasn't tears that were to blame anymore. Her eyes were glossy and hooded, and her body was moving up to be flush with his. "Please, Brett.", She whispered, drunk on lust.

The way she said his name undid him, and he planted his lips against hers once again. One of his hands slid up her neck, his touch so soft and gentle and meaningful. It rested there, his thumb soothingly rubbing her jaw as he kissed her so lightly.

He wanted her to know that this wasn't just lust - and it wasn't just her body that turned him on. It was her, everything about her undid him and turned him on; both physically and mentally.

Brett continued to stroke her jaw and Olivia shuddered beneath him at the softness of his touch. His rough and calloused fingers against her delicate skin felt so sinful and devilish, but so right - and both of them felt it.

They felt the charge of electricity surge through themselves whenever they touched, or kissed, or even laughed together.

Brett's hand slid further up her neck, and fisted her hair in his hand, pulling it lightly - but it wasn't to turn her on, it was an act that allowed him to get out some frustration so that he could continue being gentle with her.

Brett was not the gentle type - but for her, he would try. And this was him trying.

He pulled his mouth away from hers, and this time, his gaze fell between their bodies, looking at the clothes they wore. "Are you sure about this?", His voice was hoarse. His black eyes found hers and she nodded.

"I need to hear you say it. Words, Olivia."

"Yes.", She breathed at the dominance in his voice. "Yes, I'm so sure.", She added. No, pleaded.

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