26. I'll fucking kill you

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Okay so the last two chapters were really... mature and a lot for people who don't really read sex scenes, but if you clicked on this 18+ book, you knew what was coming!

I hope you enjoyed them and let me know what you think in the comments. Okay, so enjoy this chapter. Please vote and comment, It helps me more than you know :)

Also this POV will be in third person, but it will focus on Brett's day at work! You're finally gonna know what he does for a living - and you guys will know before Olivia does :) You excited? I sure as hell am.

Third Person POV

Brett had woken up before Olivia, and had received an important phone call earlier on this morning. He had left a note on the bedside table for Olivia that read:

Good morning,

Work called early on this morning, I have important business to attend to.

Take the day easy, rest up.

You'll need it.

Have a lovely day Olivia,

I won't be home too late.


Right now, Brett was sitting in a private room in one of the pubs in town - with two men sitting across the table from him.

He owned this pub, alongside lots of other business's in London.

"As you are aware Mr Black, we have been working alongside you for a few months now.", The younger man spoke up, his ginger curls tucked tightly to his scalp. "And we still haven't received a pay check for the raid last week.", He added, his eyes glossy with fright.

Brett leaned back in his chair, spreading his thighs beneath the table, drinking his whiskey.

Yet, he said nothing. He just stared at the man who had spoken, his face void of emotion.

Then, the second man let out a rough cough and began to speak. Brett dragged his gaze to the older man, noticing that he was bald and slightly overweight - how was he completing the raids that Brett had ordered for these men?

"We were just wondering when we'd be getting paid - we have a lot of men to answer to.", He said, seemingly confident, but Brett noticed his hands shaking atop the table.

Brett said nothing for a long while, just enjoyed his drink.

The truth was, was that he'd instructed one of his boys to pay these already - and if they hadn't received the cash, It meant that he either had a mole or these bastards were lying.

He didn't like either option.

"Who am I talking to here?", Brett finally asked, his voice terrifyingly calm. "Which one of you is the boss?", He glanced between the two men, his face still void of emotion, and his large body more relaxed than it should be.

The two men exchanged nervous glances, before the older man spoke.

"I'm the brains of the group, Ryan is the strength.", The bald man admitted - that made more sense to Brett.

Brett nodded, seemingly bored. Inside, he was a raging storm. Someone was lying to him. And it was either one of his most trusted men - Josh - or one of these bastards.

"Right, well, we have a pressing problem here.", Brett finished off the strong liquid in his glass, and placed it down atop the table. Brett straightened and his gaze shifted between the bald man and the curly haired young man. "I sent one of my men with your pay last week.", he rasped.

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