2. Stop looking at me like that

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"W-What?", I stuttered. I never stutter, but here I was stuttering.

Brett shrugs slightly, his lips still tugging upwards. "It must have been a dream that I was having. I don't remember anything.", I look straight up into those beautiful blue eyes and lie. I hadn't been dreaming, I had been fantasising. About him.

"That makes sense.", He nods once, but his lips are still tugged upwards.

"Stop looking at me like that.", I pout, folding my arms across my chest.

"Like what?", He laughs.

I shake my head and roll my eyes, walking past him. "I'm going to go and get Charlotte ready, could you wipe that stupid smirk off your face and make some breakfast?", I call over my shoulder. He was chuckling to himself, whilst walking towards the staircase.

"Yes Ma'am.", He replies, still chuckling. Someone woke up in a good mood today. Maybe hearing me moan his name all night gave him an ego boost.

I try and stop thinking to hard about the fact that he had heard me. Brett - my fathers best friend - had heard me touching myself over him. I cringed, physically. "Stupid.", I whisper to myself. "So bloody stupid.", I add, entering the pink room.

"Stupid?", Charlotte was already getting dressed into some clothes she had picked out for herself. A pink dress with pink tights. This girl loved the colour pink, let me tell you.

"Not you, lovely.", I smile, making her bed whilst she got herself dressed.

I hear her start singing to herself, I had no idea what song it was but I had heard it before. "Did you ask daddy if he wanted to bake cakes with us? Maybe he'll play hide and seek!", She squeals. Baking cakes I could see Brett doing. But hide and seek? I almost laugh at the thought.

"Maybe, maybe you could ask him? He's awake.", I tell her and she smiles. She was so beautiful. I loved seeing her smile. I'd known Charlotte since she was born. But Kyle, by the time Kyle was born I barely saw the family. I lived with my parents and Brett never came by anymore. Neither did his wife.

But when Katherine passed away, everything changed.

"Okay!", She finishes getting dressed and runs out of the room like a mad woman.

"Careful!", I call after her. Laughing, I finish off tidying her room. Then, I walk towards Kyle's bedroom and lift my knuckle to knock. I freeze at the last minute. Let him sleep. That tiny voice in my head told me, and I listened. That tiny voice was right.

I knew he would have been up late last night, and he deserved to have a nice rest. I place my hand back at my side, and head downstairs.

Brett was making pancakes and Charlotte was sat on the kitchen counter beside him. She was talking his ear off already, but Brett was smiling and actually listening to every pointless word that left that girls mouth.

"And then the monster turned into a unicorn and it was my friend!", She exclaimed. Brett laughed.

"A unicorn? Your a lucky girl, my love.", He was still laughing, his gaze shifting between the half made pancakes and the girl to his right. Charlotte was swinging her legs back and forth, smiling happily. She loved her daddy, and it was so good to see him with her.

"And then I woke up and went to wake up Olivia but she was already a-", Her eyes met mine then and she waves. "Hi!", She chirps. Charlotte was always so happy and it was refreshing. Sometimes it was tiring, I will admit, but she was lovely. So happy and young and innocent.

I hope she stays that way for a long while.

Brett looks over his shoulder, his own gaze meeting mine. "Good morning, Olivia.", He smiles. He looked different today, he looked calm and relaxed. He never looked that way, he was always tense and stressed. This was a nice sight.

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