9. Have you any idea how badly I want to kiss you?

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"You just have to read one chapter, you've got this.", I smile at Kyle. He was expelled but he still had work to do, and right now he was doing his writing. He had to read a chapter of a book and write a short essay on what happened.

"I hate reading. I like maths.", he stated, itching his cheek, near his black eye.

I shake my head quickly. "Don't touch it, it'll make it more irritated!", I reach to grab his wrist, he rolls his eyes but lets me move his hand away from his face. I smile and let go of his hand. "I'm sorry that you got expelled. That principle will regret it.", I shrug happily.

"Nobody has ever defended me like you did.", Kyle admitted shyly. I tilt my head to the side, wondering where he was going with this. "Thank you," He coughs, trying to cover up the fact that he thanked me. I rolled my eyes.

"Get reading idiot.", I laugh, and he lets out a small chuckle too.

After a few hours, Kyle had completed all of his homework, he'd emailed it the teachers and was now sitting happily upstairs. He was on his Xbox and Brett was on his way home with Charlotte.

I took this time to tidy the house up and begin cooking some food. I decided on chicken wraps which Kyle and Charlotte both liked - there wasn't much that they both enjoyed - but chicken wraps was one of the exceptions.

"Olivia!", Charlotte screeched as she ran towards me. Brett following slowly behind her, his hands carrying her school bag and his own laptop bag. He watched his daughter with a smile.

I crouched down and allowed the girl to attack me with a hug. "How was school? Did you do anything fun?", I asked, cupping her tiny face in my hands. She nodded frantically.

"We painted and used our hands!", She exclaims, holding her palms up to show me the dried paint there. It was clear that they'd tried to wash it off, but there was still some colouring there. "And it's in my bag, the picture! Daddy said I can save it for your birthday though.", She whispered the last part whilst Brett placed the two bags on the kitchen counter.

I looked up at him, his back was to me, and he looked extremely delicious in that tight suit. He always looked so perfect, even after a long day at work. Whatever it was that he actually did.

"Did he now?", I whisper back, tickling her sides a little. "Go and hide it then, and if I find it I'm having it!", I giggle like her and she runs off, bouncing up to grab her bag from the counter before heading up the stairs.

I raise to my full height with a small yawn. "How was work?", I asked Brett, walking towards the plates. I took out four and placed them at the table as he began talking.

"Tiring, as always.", He replies, his voice hoarser. He had barely looked at me.

"Is everything okay?", I ask, pausing my movements.

Finally, he turns around to face me. His bright blue eyes find mine hesitantly and he nods. Just one singular nod. He was robotic? "Are you sure? Have I done something?", I ask, tilting my head to the side with worry.

"No.", He replied quickly. His gaze found the floor with a defeated sigh. His shoulders relaxed finally and he swallowed - it was so visible that I even heard it. "I'm sorry, I just have a lot on my mind.", He admitted, his voice rough.

I wipe my sweaty palms across the front of my skirt. I was wearing a tight black skirt that fell just above the knee, with a purple shirt tucked in. I wore some black heels too. I'd only worn such an outfit because I had an online meeting with my University.

I'd been attending my online lessons, which was only once a week, but I had missed an assignment. I told them that I'd get it to them by the end of the week and they'd kindly accepted the late submission.

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