20. Brett treats me like a woman

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A couple of days later

Olivia's POV

My mum hadn't spoken to dad since Brett had kicked him out a few days ago, and she'd been better off for it, so it seemed anyway. She'd been cleaning and looking after the kids with me, she'd spent her days reading and enjoying herself instead of being terrified of dad and taking orders from him.

She'd told me a lot in the past few days about how much my dad had changed, and how horrible he had been with her since the affair started.

It made me so mad. So fucking mad that I swear I could kill him.

And yet, here he was, sitting before me. Brett had told me that he was going to meet up with John and talk to him about everything, instead of assuming things - and I'd asked to come. He'd let me after a days worth of debating it.

His face was hard as he stared at me, and then Brett, and then back to me.

"Is she okay?", he asks Brett, and I knew he was talking about my mother.

"Kelly is doing well.", Brett replies firmly, dismissing the subject of my mum. Brett wanted to talk about John and Jessica - the mistress. "I asked you here, so that you had a chance to be honest.", Brett said.

My dad didn't reply at first, he just sighed and looked down at the table between us.

We'd met at a café and Brett and I were sat on one side, knees touching underneath the table for comfort, and my dad was sitting across from us.

"I won't be asking for your side of the story again, John.", Brett warned, his tone low.

"I know," Is all my dad said, sounding tired. "Jessica, the girl from the office, the young girl.", He began. My nose scrunched up at that. How young?

Brett only nodded, indicating that he knew who Jessica was.

"She asked for my help a few months ago and I thought whilst she was new to the job, I'd help her out with some written assignments and reports and well, we spent a lot of time together and-", He began.

"Is it just sex?", Brett interrupted.

My dad nodded, his gaze shifting to me with an uncomfortable look on his face.

"I'm not a child, dad. I'm twenty years old.", I state, firmly.

"You're still my little girl.", He says, his tone dripping with despair. My heart sank to the bottom of my chest when I realized that to him I would always be a child, a little girl in need of protection from the world, but I wasn't.

And he had cheated on my mum. He broke her heart and treated her like crap.

"Not anymore dad.", Is all I say, my voice calm, but my heart was beating rapidly.

Brett must've noticed, because I felt his hand on my thigh, comforting me with the small caress of his thumb. I sighed at the touch and glanced up to the side at him, he was already watching me. I smile up at him and he returns it.

Fuck, what are we doing?

I swallow and look back towards my dad. "How old is Jessica?", I ask, rather suddenly. I didn't want my dad to look into my body language around Brett, I wasn't good at hiding how I felt.

"Twenty-Seven.", he says, ashamed.

She's not that young, but... "To be honest, I couldn't give a shit if she was your age or not. You still cheated on mum, dad.", I shoot at him, anger filing my bones. How could he do this to mum? She's been nothing but loyal to him, an absolute perfect wife and mother.

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