48. I'm about to get a lot more soppy, Olivia

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Okay so this POV is going to be in Third Person - and this is the LAST chapter of this book. However, I will be changing the title and the cover - and will be editing it slowly.

But, more importantly there will be a second book. Liam's book. And you will get to see Brett and Olivia some more in that and what their future holds. So, please vote and comment and thank you so much for reading this! I'm so thankful for every one of you who's read this far. Love you guys!


Two weeks later

Third Person POV

"Sit down," Brett gestured to the chair across from his desk. Liam, the brunette 28-year-old did as he was told, straightening out his suit as he did. His brown eyes found his boss's and he cocked an eyebrow at the serious look on his face.

"This isn't good, is it?", Liam wondered out loud.

Brett let out a small chuckle at the boys humour. "No.", He shook his head, running a hand over his face. His eyes fixed on the man sitting before him. Liam was one of his most trusted men, which was exactly why he'd chose him for this position.

"My sister was attacked last night.", Brett stated. Liam fell silent and still at that. "She was walking home from work and she was grabbed and hurt pretty badly.", he sighed, his head falling back on the chair. His blue eyes find the ceiling and he takes a moment to compose himself.

Brett knew that Liam was a bit of a flirt, and sending him to his sister was a bit of a jackass move, but he trusted Liam to keep Phoebe safe.

"I've assigned you as her bodyguard.", Brett finally spoke, eyes finding Liam's.

Liam said nothing for a long moment, he just stared across at his boss. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to react. So he didn't, he just sat still, saying absolutely nothing. Instead, he just nodded. It was a slow and slight nod, but it was there.

"She doesn't know, and the chances are she won't be too pleased about this.", Brett sat up straighter.

Liam finally reacted. His eyebrow raised and he glanced passed his boss, looking out of the large window behind him. He was thinking - thinking of any possible way that this situation could be seen as good for him.

But he came up with nothing.

His gaze found his boss again, and again, he just nodded.

"I know you're not too pleased with this.", Brett tried again. Liam let out a sharp laugh.

"Not entirely, no.", He admitted, finally speaking.

Brett chuckled and looked over the man before him. His hair was long on top and short on the sides. His fringe was to the right, and his brown eyes were darker than they'd ever been before - he was deep in thought here.

"You will be getting paid for this, more than you would if you were stationed here.", Brett explained. Liam nodded, just once again.

"How old is she?", Liam asked, suddenly.

Brett took in a sharp breath. "Twenty-seven.", he informed Liam. Liam nodded, again. Phoebe was only one year younger than him, this wasn't good - not if she was good looking. Liam knew himself, and he knew his restrictions.

This would not be good.

"Why not Adam?", he breathed, admitting defeat. He was tired of acting professional, he was tired.

Brett swallowed. "Because you're a lot like me, you shoot first and ask questions later. Adam is quiet the opposite.", Brett stated honestly. Liam couldn't argue with that - it was true. Liam would shoot first and ask questions later, they'd taught him that in the army.

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