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Hi, thank you so much for reading my book/s it really does mean more than you know! I know that if you are reading the second book in this series that my chapter updates have been slow. I've just been really busy lately.

However, I do stream on Twitch everyday whilst playing on Xbox. I was just wondering if any of you would be interested in following my Twitch :) Just to show some support. I'm trying to grow on there and it would mean a lot if you would be kind enough to follow!

My name is missywhit :)


And could you follow my Insta as well for life updates, including updates on the book!!! missywhit_ is the username on insta ❤️

Please try and show some support by following :) It would mean the world to me!

I am also in the process of planning Adam's book, just letting you know :) Thank you so much!

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