12. Don't do that

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Brett's POV

"Kids, am I right?", John laughed, swigging his beer back. I just watched him, I couldn't even think of what to say.

But my mouth opened before I could decide what it was that would be appropriate to say.

"Olivia isn't a kid, John."

"Excuse me?", His gaze snapped to mine. His tone was harsh.

I swallowed the things that I so very badly wanted to reply with, but denied myself the right to say them, it would have been inappropriate and stupid. I had to be smart about this, and I had to keep my feelings in check.

"I just mean that she's nineteen-years-old man, she's going to have an opinion," I swallowed a mouthful of my own beer. "She's entitled to one," I add with a curt shrug. Casual, good.

There was this rage inside of me that was fighting it's way out of me. I would never speak to my daughter like that, not unless she was being life-threateningly stupid. Which Olivia was not. I understand John not wanting her to know what business we are in, but that is not a reason for him to be a dick.

"Is she?", He joked.

I couldn't contain the shock that took over my features. My eyebrow lifted and my lips pressed together tightly.

There was so many things that I wanted to say.

Instead, I force a laugh. "How old are you again?", I ask, a little harshly.

"Forty," He answered with a sly grin.

I didn't reply, I just finished the rest of my beer, containing the rage that was building in the pit of my stomach. I placed the glass bottle down and watched John finish his.

"It's Liv's birthday Saturday," He says. I resist the urge to say I know - that would be incredibly creepy and weird.

"Oh yeah?"

"Kelly wants to know if it'd be okay if we came over for dinner? You know a little get together? It would be a surprise of course.", John explains.

"That sounds fine," Is all I can manage to say without letting my anger show.

I wanted to go and find Olivia and make sure that she was okay, but I couldn't. It kills me to just stand here and talk to her father when I know she's probably upstairs upset about what just happened. It upsets me that I can't openly defend her without it being suspicious.

"Alright, well I'll see you then.", John sends me a sharp nod.

"Yeah man.", I reply and watch him leave. I just stand there, staring at the kitchen door, until I hear the front door shut behind him. Sighing, I close my eyes. My hands grip the counter before me and I take a few deep breathes.

After taking a minute or two to calm myself down, I headed upstairs and made my way to her bedroom door.

Come on, just knock dammit.

My knuckle lifts and knocks against the wooden door twice. There was no answer, it was just deathly silent. "Olivia, it's me." I say out into the silence. And just like that, the door opens before me. Looking down at the brunette girl before me, I see that her face is puffy and red, she'd been crying or was going too.

I didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry Olivia."

A broken sob escapes her lips but she covers it up with a small sigh. "It's not your fault Brett.", She whispers eventually, her tear-glazed eyes peering up into mine. She looked up at me with such trust and respect that it was unnerving.

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