18. You're going to be the death of me Olivia Davis

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"Lucy? That's the kid from next door right?," Olivia watched Brett quizzing his son for the fifth time in the past hour. Kyle had come home from school and asked if his friend could come over as he was going to help them with some maths work.

To which Brett had asked, is the them a male or a female, and Kyle had gone incredibly red.

"Yes dad.", Kyle sighed, rubbing his hand over his forehead, as if debating whether it was worth it.

"Brett don't be a tease, of course Lucy can come over. It's nice of you to help her.", Olivia spoke up, sipping her wine from the kitchen counter, which she was leaning back against.

Kyle sighed happily. "Thanks Olivia, she's coming over now. We will be quiet I promise.", He says.

"There's no way you're going in your room with her.", Brett said, staring at his son from the kitchen table. Brett was in the middle of replying to emails, but he'd forgotten about that now. He just had images of his son getting some fourteen-year-old girl pregnant.

It was terrifying.

"Brett.", Olivia sighed.

Brett looked over his shoulder, sending Olivia a sharp stare, she only smiled in return. Her smile so sweet and fake that it made him roll his eyes instantly. But, agreed anyway.

"Fine but the door stays open.", he mutters, returning his attention back to the laptop.

"Deal.", Kyle finally says with a huge grin on his face. He then turned to Olivia and mouthed a quick thank you, to which she waved off smiling.

And then there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!", Kyle said, swallowing his nerves. Olivia chuckled at his blushed cheeks, the girl hadn't even walked through the door yet.

Olivia and Brett exchange a quick look before returning their attention towards the kitchen doorway, where Kyle and Lucy - who was gorgeous - walked in. Lucy had her curly black hair tied into a messy bun and her face was makeup-less.

Her brown eyes were glazed with nerves.

"Hello Lucy!", Olivia was the first to greet the teenage girl.

"Hi.", The girl replied, her tone shy and her eyes finding the floor as she clutched onto her notebook for comfort. "I like your house, it's very pretty.", She adds, her gaze finding Olivia's. She smiled at the young girl.

"Would you like anything to drink or eat?", Brett finally asked, pulling the girls gaze towards him.

Lucy didn't speak to Brett, she just shook her head, her eyes finding the floor again. Olivia pushed away the sick feeling she felt in the pit of her stomach - she knew that look in a girl, her friend had had that exact same look when she was younger.

Talia had had a problem with men for years, up until she turned sixteen, when she grew some confidence and realized that one bad experience with a man doesn't mean that all experiences will be the same.

"Well, If you change your mind, make yourself at home really. Have fun learning maths!", Olivia said happily, trying to get the girl as comfortable as possible.

Lucy smiled and then following Kyle up the stairs.

Olivia let out a loud sigh when the kids were gone. Brett looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"Did I say something?", He asked Olivia, clueless.

Olivia shook her head. "I don't think she's comfortable with men.", Olivia whispered gently. Brett said nothing in return, he just dipped his head as the realization hit, his gaze finding his laptop screen once again.

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