21. Do that voice again, it was really hot

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Brett's POV

I'd just got home from nearly killing John, and now we had to attend a party next door, where Connor will be. Someone's fucking testing me lately.

"Are you ready?", I shout up to the kids and Olivia.

"I am daddy!", Charlotte says happily whilst hopping down each step of the stairs. I laughed and picked her up when she got to the second to last step, holding her to my hip as she continued singing a song she'd been singing all day.

Kelly had gone out with a few friends, so it was just me and Olivia and the kids.

"Coming.", Kyle said shortly after.

Olivia didn't reply though. I sighed and set down my daughter. "Make sure you stay here and count how long it takes Kyle to come down, deal?", I ask her. She nods her head like the princess she is. I smile and then head up the stairs to Olivia's room.

I knock on the door, and hear shuffling in the room.

"Olivia?", I call out.

I hear a sigh of relief. "Come in.", She tells me through the door - and I don't have to be told twice.

"What's taking so long?", I ask, opening the door to reveal Olivia was brushing her hair whilst slipping on her heels.

"Have you watched After?", She hums, focusing on her reflection in her body size mirror. She didn't even look at me, she was too focused on making sure she looked presentable. She did. And fuckable.

That dress she had chosen was fucking edible. It was short, mid-thigh length, so it was presentable but also youthful and sexy. It was black and matched her black heeled boots. Her makeup was a little darker than usual, which made her look a little older than she was.

She looked sexy, even her straightened hair was looking sexy.

Maybe it was just how I saw her, and I was only just now noticing the depths of my attraction.

"No.", I finally answer with a sigh.

"Right well, I'm being a woman so can you get out.", She mimics a girly American voice, and I raise an eyebrow. What the fuck was that? "It's from a movie, idiot. I'm ready.", She finally says, grabbing a handbag and her phone.

"Do that voice again, it was really hot.", I tease.

Her cheeks blush a bright shade of red. Oh, how I affected her. I fucking love it.

"Is my usual voice not hot?", She replies, the corner of her lips tugging upwards into a sly and yet seductive smirk. Of course her voice was hot - everything about her was fucking tempting. And when I say everything I mean everything.

Her plumped and kissable lips. Her deep brown eyes that always seemed to sparkle with youth. Her tanned skin that look flawless constantly. Her gorgeously thick thighs. Her perfectly rounded breasts. And her smart yet cunning and witty personality. Her hilarious humour that was more flirtatious than mine, which said something.

"Always.", I say and mean it.

She fiddles with the hem of her skirt out of skittish nerves and I smile at the sight. She's so fucking confident yet so fucking adorably shy for me.

Reaching forward, I place my large hand over her tiny one, prying it away from the hem of her little black dress. She watches the movement with hooded eyes and I find myself imagining that look on her face when we're doing other... activities.

"Wouldn't want to ruin the dress, would we?", I send her my playful smirk and she blushes more.

"No.", She shakes her head, and her hand turns in mine. Her palm touches mine and she closes her fingers around my hand - holding my hand in hers. I let out a shaky breath at the contact, and my own gaze finds our interlocked hands.

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