31. Are you scared of me, Olivia?

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Oliva's POV

We'd arrived at the party around ten minutes ago, and it was such a magnificent building. It was an old hall filled with gold and white furniture - it was beautiful.

I was sitting at the top table with Brett and three other people.

I hadn't seen my father yet - but every other person sitting on this table, was a man. There was only a few women in this room, most accompanying men, like I was doing for Brett.

He'd laid his hand on my thigh as a man on the stage continued to talk.

"Every single year, we throw one of these fucking parties, and we say it's to honour those who have fallen, and it is - it really fucking is.", The man held up his glass of whatever alcohol was in it. "But, some of us use this day to get blind drunk, and will live a little for one fucking day.", He yelled and a few men laughed and lifted their glasses.

I glanced at Brett, but he wasn't watching the man, or anybody else for that matter... He was watching me. That sly smile on his face, and that glint of happiness in his eyes.

"What?", I mouth, smiling at him.

He shakes his head, leaning over to whisper beside my ear. "You look beautiful, and every man here knows it.", He pulls back, casually, leaning back in his seat.

His gaze still fixed on me.

I blush and glance down, and then what the man says next, has my gaze snapping up at Brett.

"Mr Black, would you like to come and say a few words to your men?", The man on the stage asks, his voice a little less confident now.

I raise a brow and watch Brett rise from the table. He straightens his suit out with his hand, and stalks towards the stage, his body oozing with power and authority.

The man steps aside, allowing Brett to stand before the microphone.

I watch him closely, noticing how his eyes search the entire room, as if welcoming everyone here with only his eyes. He doesn't look at me once though, not now and not as he speaks.

"This year we've lost many men, and had to cope with broken deals and broken families.", He begins, and I don't recognise him at that moment. He looks so powerful and so fucking... Hot. "We've made deals and gained allies, we've fucked up a lot but also learned a lot.", he continues on.

"But tonight we celebrate. We drink to those who haven't made it, and we think about those that should be here with us.", His eyes find mine then. "And we celebrate what brings us happiness.", he says, as if he was speaking to just me.

My cheeks heat up under his stare, but I smile at him, openly.

Nobody knew about us here, we could be ourselves... Unless my father was here.

I hadn't seen him though.

"Enjoy your night gentleman, and ladies.", He adds, sending the women small nods of acknowledgement. "Tomorrow is a big day for most of my men, so enjoy this night and make well with everyone you know.", And then with that, the crowd cheers and claps.

Brett nods again, and makes his way back down to the table.

"Lovely speech, Black.", One of the men smirk, glancing between the two of us as if he noticed how Brett looked at me. Brett didn't look at the man who'd spoke, his gaze remained fixed on me.

"Would you like to dance?", he asked me, his voice hoarse.

I glance toward the man who had spoken, and then back at Brett, raising a brow. He'd just totally ignored that man, that's rude. He notices the surprise on my face and slowly forces his gaze towards the man who had spoken.

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