44. Is Charlotte okay?

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Hello, like I said in the previous chapters, there will only be a few more chapters left to write and then read. I'll be editing this book after finishing it. Chapter by chapter - so things might change, so please do reread it as I edit over it.

Also thank you so much for reading and voting and commenting, it means so much! I love reading each and everyone of your comments, they make me smile! Which is needed lately.

Anyways, enjoy :)

There will be a bonus scene at the end of this chapter, dedicated to @bigdickdaddy305 - love that name by the way.

Third Person POV

Brett had never felt so nervous in his entire life - he felt sick to his stomach all the way to the hospital. Changing gears even made his stomach churn with anticipation and nerves, he felt like a teenage boy again, but not in a good way.

He didn't know what to say to her, to Olivia.

He didn't know how to comfort her and to make her feel better... She'd been through so much more than he could even begin to understand. No matter how hard he'd tried or will continue to try, he couldn't think of words.

He couldn't think of anything but being with her.

Seeing Olivia.

He wanted her smiling and laughing and lighting up an entire room with just that look she always gave him. That look that held so much more than trust and respect and lust, that look that could make any man fall to his knees before her.

He wanted that look.

He wanted her hands on his body.

He wanted to hold her in his arms.

But, he couldn't... He didn't know how much what had happened had affected her. He had to figure that out first and talk to her about it, if she'd talk about it.

Walking into her room, he found his stomach turning and churning as if he was on a rollercoaster. He almost keeled over then and there and vomited all over the floor, but he stood tall, straightened out his suit and walked towards her bed.

She was asleep.

Her face was bruised slightly, and his heart sank to the pit of his stomach at the sight.

He allowed his gaze to take in the woman laying before him, the woman that he had fallen so madly in love with. The woman who'd fixed him and his entire fucking family. The woman who he would give anything to see laugh again.

The woman who helped his son through everything.

The woman who was his daughters best-friend.

The woman who understood him, and saw him for who he was, and still chose to stay.

The woman who he realized, he wanted near to him at all times, forever and always. The woman who he needed to be near, to touch and see every single day of his life, the woman who lit up his soul and sparked alight his love again.

The woman who fixed him and mended his broken soul.

His strength. His hope. His saviour. His salvation. His everything.

Laying before him, hurt and broken.

And he could do nothing to fix her.

He could only wait and hope, and dream... And fuck, did he dream, every single night he dreamt of her and her laugh and her smile and those beautiful fucking brown eyes - those eyes that undid his entire fucking being.

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