28. Kiss me and fuck me, please

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Okay so, mature content ahead... again. Enjoy :) I hope you guys know that these scenes are so fucking difficult for me to write, especially in peoples POV's. This one is going to be in Brett's POV....

So enjoy his thought process whilst fucking the shit out of the nanny.

Goodbye. Enjoy. Please vote and comment :)

Brett's POV

Wrong - so fucking wrong. Everything about what we had done, and what we were doing, and what we would continue to do, was so fucking wrong.

I knew that I shouldn't be doing this.

I shouldn't let her kiss me, and I shouldn't be kissing her back.

I shouldn't touch her like I do - like I am doing right now.

I shouldn't think about her now, or ever - but it is all that I do.

The truth was that Olivia Davis fucking haunted me. She haunted my thoughts and my dreams, every single fucking day, and all fucking night long. The sound of her name and the look of her name made me angry, so fucking angry.

But I couldn't deny her.

And I sure as hell could not deny the feelings that I had for her - Olivia.

My sweet fucking Olivia.

"Brett," She moaned my name as I lifted her onto the dining table. Her ass planted firmly on the glass surface. Her thick thighs spread for me and I stood between them, my hands searching every fucking indent on her beautiful body. Her waist, her hips, her thighs, her breasts, even her fucking arms.

Everything about her was inviting - even the sound of my name in that sinful mouth.

The things I'd let her do with that fucking mouth, and that tongue.

"Say it again," my voice was a rasp, almost inaudible, I was loosing control.

Everything about myself that I had learned to protect and keep hidden, it was crumbling with each fucking touch that she blessed my body with. And with each fucking word that left her lips, and that laugh - her laugh...

I'd kill to hear that laugh every second of every fucking day.

She obeyed me instantly, throwing her head back when I attached my lips to her neck.

"Brett.", She whimpered, beginning to move against me.

She said it again, and again and a-fucking-gain. I couldn't get enough of it. It was like a litany, or a chant or a fucking spell - but I'd listen to it forever. My name on her tongue was sinful and heavenly all at the same time.

I was so lost.

I was so lost in this girl - Olivia Davis.

The forbidden lady of my life. The one girl that I couldn't have, but wanted so fucking dearly. I craved her, all of her... I don't just mean her body, as gorgeous as it is, I mean her entirety. The bad and the good, all of her I wanted, forever.


That was a long damn time, but with Olivia... I had a feeling that it would feel like days.

Maybe even hours.

It wouldn't be enough...

I hated that she consumed me so much. I hated that even when I was at work, she was on my mind - constantly. Her beautiful and bright smile, and that trancing laugh that haunted my dreams nightly.

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