22. I care about her

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Third Person POV

Olivia and Brett were sitting downstairs now, Kelly was beside her daughter drinking some wine whilst they watched something on TV. Olivia had put it on and Kelly and Brett had never watched it before - Brett knew what it was though.

After - the movie he'd promised to watch with her.

"He's so freaking sexy.", Olivia muttered, staring at Hardin on the screen.

"I'd agree but I'm old enough to be his mother.", Kelly resorted with a small laugh.

Olivia chuckled and took a glance towards her mum. "You're a MILF, own it.", She shrugged happily, drinking some more of the red wine in the glass - Brett had ran out of white, considering Olivia had drank it all.

Brett coughed at Olivia's statement. The girls burst out into a fit of laughter at his red face.

"You don't think so?", Kelly teased, still laughing.

"You're very beautiful, I just didn't expect to hear that from your mouth.", Brett said, shifting his attention from Kelly to Olivia. Olivia sent him a wink when her mothers gaze fixed on the TV.

Brett felt his cock stir in his pants at that little action.

"You're a DILF too.", Olivia resorted, and both Kelly and Brett choked then.

How drunk was she? Brett wondered.

Olivia's cheeks were rosy red, and Brett wasn't sure if it was due to the alcohol consumption, or what she'd just said out loud in front of her mother. She drops her gaze to her thick thighs, trying to calm the apparent blush on her face.

"I can't believe you just said that," Kelly chuckled though, not angry.

Olivia licked her lips and glanced from her mother - who was now looking down at her phone - and then back towards Brett. She swallowed at the intense look in his hooded gaze. Her breath catches in her throat, wondering what he was thinking about.

"You seemed to have fun with Connor tonight.", Brett said, finally breaking the eye-contact.

Olivia was taken aback by his words.

"Yeah?", She whispered, almost like a question.

"Connor?", Kelly asked, her gaze finding her daughters red face. She smiled at her, wiggling her eyebrows. "Who's Connor and why haven't I heard about him yet?", She teased, sipping from her own wine glass.

"He's nobody.", Olivia replies casually, glancing between Brett and her mother.

Brett's gaze were on the TV, as if the conversation annoyed him. Olivia noticed how his jaw was hard and visible, his nostrils slightly flared and his knuckles holding his glass of whiskey, white with the strength he was holding it with.

He looked angry. Frustrated?

"It didn't seem that way tonight.", He finally replies, still looking at the TV.

Olivia raised a brow at his disappointed fatherly tone. Her wide gaze shifted to her mother, who was looking between the two with furrowed brows. Why the fuck was he doing this here? Now. In front of her mum? Was he that drunk?

"What?", Is all Olivia replied with.

Brett finally peeled his gaze away from the stupid movie and focused on the brunette woman sitting across the coffee table, her legs crossed underneath her, her eyes glossy with the consumption and her cheeks still red with nerves.

"He climbed through my fucking window, like a fucking monkey.", Brett seethed.

Oh he was angry alright.

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