Chapter 3.

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When we get back to the compound my dad is waiting in the kitchen with Steve, "we need to talk, Eden."

I roll my eyes and sit down at the table in front of the the pair of them, Bucky stands by the door.

"You've been here six months now, it's time you started putting in a little work, I know you're smart enough to do everything I do."


"And you're wasting genius by acting out. You don't even spend any time with Morgan, she loves you!"

Guilt pulls at my heart, I love her too, but I look at her and I see how much she looks like my dad, and I'm reminded how he left my mum for hers.

"It isn't her fault you don't like me!" I hate how he does that.

Steve sighs and rests his arms on the table, "we're going to Krakow this weekend for a mission, we want you to come with us."

I contemplate it, but do I really want to do that? "What's in it for me?"

He smiles and I know exactly what's coming, "You get to spend time with Captain America!"

I can't help but laugh at the funny voice he does, but he knows I'm not convinced, my eyes go to Bucky by the door who's looking at me like I might disappear in a second, Steve clears his throat, "Bucky's coming."

His smile is sly, my dad seems curious by the direction Steve is taking this.

"And? As if you think that will convince me?"

"I know it will."

I look over to Bucky who's smirking at his friend and then he looks at me and shrugs with that a smirky pout on his face.

Fuck, "fine, but it's not for him. It's-" my dad and Steve both stand, good job, I had no other reason.

"So do I get to go back to my friends?" I stand in front of my smug body guard.

"No, you get to pack. And we have some things to do before we go." He leads me out of the kitchen and down the hall and down some stairs into a corridor I've not been in before, "this is the way to-"

"I know, you're gonna get suited up, your clothes won't protect you if you need it."

We walk into the room and I'm shocked, there's weapons lined on the walls, and suits of all the people in my dads avenger squad, Peter's spider suit, Steve's little costume, Clint's bows and the rest.

"Eden! It's about time!" Nat appears as if from nowhere and hands me a pile of clothes. "I've had these ready for months. It's about time you got your hands dirty!" She smiles at me and shoos Bucky away.

I try on the clothes in a side room that seems to be full of Nats things. The clothes look good, they don't cling to the wrong places which I dreaded, as confident as I can be, I can also be very insecure, I'm tall and I carry a little extra weight, the leather clothing Nat wears isn't really my style.

Nat smiles at me way too smugly as I walk out of her little dressing room.

"You look great, Bucky won't be able to take his eyes off you," I roll my eyes and walk over to the wall of guns, bows, knives and god knows what else.

"Shut up he wouldn't give me a second glance," I pause "and he's just doing his job!"

"Eden, he asked for the job."

I turn to face her, although she's my dads friend, Nat is closer to my age than his, she's been one of the closest people to me since I got here. "What do you mean?"

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