Chapter 12.

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When I wake up I feel a heavy weight across my chest and there's light snores coming from the dark head of hair curled up against me.

I put my hand on Morgan's hair and scratch at her head with my nails softly, she snuggles closer to me but as I see her face I realise she's awake.

"Good morning!" I smile brightly at her and she looks at me through sleepy eyes, "how did you sleep?" She doesn't reply, only snuggles herself into me more.

There's a knock on the door and I call for them to enter. Bucky opens the door hesitantly and as he sees Morgan and I in bed he smiles softly.

"Morning!" He walks over and sits on the edge of my bed, I graze my hand over Morgan's hair, "someone had a heavy night!" Bucky smiles at her and I nod, "she told me she loves me."

Buckys face goes softer, his eyes almost sad, "has she not said that before?" His genuine interest makes the affection I already have for him grow ten fold.

"No, I've never said it back to anyone but my mum either," I look at Morgan still cuddled into me, I do genuinely love her "until now." My voice is quiet as I bask in this moment with my baby sister.

When I look to Bucky again he's wearing a huge smile, he takes my hand in his and rubs my skin gently. "Sorry, did you want something?" I remember he must've come in here for a reason.

He closes his eyes as he gently shakes his head, "No, I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

"I'm very content, thank you. Are you okay?"

"I'm great." He starts fidgeting, something slightly out of character for him. "Buck?"

"I was just wondering if you would like to go on a date with me, this afternoon?"

Wait, the fidgeting? he's nervous? I make James Buchanan Barnes nervous?

"I'd love to!" I say a little too loud and Morgan stirs, I make a face and Bucky laughs silently.

"Around two? I'll meet you by the front door?" He has a huge smile on his face which is slightly making his cheeks pink.

Perfect, I have plenty of time to sleep a little more, "I can't wait."

Bucky brings my hand to his mouth and kisses it, "Good! I'll leave you to it." He gestures to Morgan and I let out a laughing breath as he stands and bends over where I'm laid, he plants a soft kiss on my forehead and then stands up straight, flashing me one last smile before he leaves my room, shutting the door behind him.

I snuggle back into Morgan with a smile on my face that I know will be hard to remove. Sleep overwhelms me, and when I begin to dream, there's only one man getting air time.


When I wake again, I'm alone in bed and figure Morgan has woke up and gone off somewhere, maybe to get breakfast?

I take longer in the shower, letting the hot water overwhelm me. When I renter my room my dad is sat in the armchair across the room, "hi" I smile awkwardly, fumbling in my draws for clothes while trying not to let my towel fall.

"Sorry! Take your time." He covers his eyes with embarrassment.

Changing quickly in the bathroom, I think of all the things he could possibly be here for, only, one thing keeps pushing away every other thought or idea... Bucky!

When I re-enter my dad has a book in his hands and when he notices me he places it on the small table beside him.

"So what's up?" I sit cross legged on my bed and wait for the lecture that's bound to come.

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