Chapter 1.

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My head is pounding, my feet aching as the gravel stab at my bare feet.

I walk through the door to the grounds getting the usual looks from my dads friends and employees, I swing my heels in my hand and throw them each a sarcastic grin as they roll their eyes back at me.

I know what they're all thinking, and it amuses me to know they do nothing to confront my father, only one man who isn't in my family has ever been able to get me to listen to him, Steve, he even encourages my bad behaviour to a point.

When I reach the front door it's Steve who is waiting for me, instead of looking at me in disgust he rolls his eyes and laughs at me as I walk in the front door.

"And where have you been all night?" He smirks at me and fakes a concerned voice.

"Wouldn't you like to know!" I giggle back and wander to the kitchen where I find Peter sat reading something in the nook by the window.

Now there's many people in the compound I have come to know and be friends with, Peter is by far the best, he looks up from his book and eyes my attire and laughs to himself, "guy or girl?"

"Both" I smirk and he laughs and shakes his head, I shrug and laugh with him as I pull open one of the cupboards and eye over what to eat.

"You better change before you see Mr Stark, that dress will get you shouted at."

My dads idea of his perfect daughter is long gone and I ignore Peters comment as I reach for the bread and grab the butter from the fridge.

"What the hell is that Nat?"

I turn to the door to see Natasha with a small bag in her hands, blood dripping on the floor and over her palms. Nat looks at me and gives Peter a stern look, "Someone lost a finger in training, I'll be right back"

Nat disappears and then reappears in the kitchen just as I'm buttering my toast and gives me a hip bump. "You look like hell, girl." She grins and takes a piece of toast from my plate.

"Yeah well I didn't sleep much.." I smirk as I sit myself on the counter and take a bite of my food. Nat and Peter exchange a knowing glance, they're well used to my behaviour now. Although I know they hate it, they know that I need to be reckless, everything else they've tried didn't help me.

My mother's face flashes in my mind and I feel my throat swell. This is why I drink, take drugs, kiss any guy that gives me attention, I tell myself, her face isn't there when I'm distracted.

My dads friends mumbling to each other is my cue to leave the room. I am not in the mood to hear the shit they've been doing in my absence.

I walk into the hall to find my dad and Steve's backs to me talking to someone who's face I don't bother to look at, it's never anyone I need to trouble myself with. Instead I turn right and press the elevator button.

"Eden!" I scrunch up my face, I was hoping to avoid him. I turn around and look at my father, Tony, to Steve and then to the face of the guy stood in front of them.

He's good looking, really good looking, his hair is long and he has a beard that frames his face, and.. a metal arm, black and gold, I try my best not to stare. If I wasn't ridiculously attracted to him I'd almost find him intimidating. He's looking at me with deep blue eyes that are almost mesmerizing and wears a stern expression as he takes a deep breath and looks me up and down, that tells me one thing, he's my newly appointed keeper.

My dad eyes my outfit and motions for me to join them, I pad over and look up at Steve's grin, "have you got me a new toy Tony?" I smirk at my father who I know has already had enough of my shit at only 11am.

"This is Sargent James Buchanan Barnes" "Bucky!" Steve interrupts.

"He owes me, trying to get in my good books," Tony looks at the metal armed man and back at me, "he's going to be keeping an eye on you, since no one else I assigned to watch you worked out, I thought I'd employ a super soldier. So, wherever you go, he goes, no more of this Eden, it's gone on long enough, look at yourself!" He gestures to all of me and I roll my eyes.

I've heard this same shit many times in the last six months since my mum died, I know my dad hates how I'm being but I can't help it, I can't help the burning in my chest that makes me want to just piss my dad off even more.  

"In that case, why don't you come join me in the shower, Bucky?" I don't take my eyes off my father for a second and the disappointment is evident in his eyes, but instead he stands with his nostrils flaring and breathes low as he turns to Bucky, "Steve said you are a good man, he's vouching for you, I know you'll listen to instruction and follow through on doing a great job of handling my lovely daughter." He looks me up and down and then raises his eyebrows at Bucky.

"And handling it will certainly be." He fakes a smile and turns on his heels back to his office.

Steve puts a hand on my shoulder, "play nice." He chuckles as he walks away from Bucky and I.

I hear him laugh to himself as he walks to the kitchen and I know he's looking forward to how this plays out.

"Well.. Bucky. Are you coming to join me?" I turn for the elevator and I hear him follow me, we stand in silence as the lift goes up a floor but as I reach my door and enter my room he grabs the handle and smiles at me "I'll be waiting out here, I won't play games with you Eden. I'm here to do a job, I need to pay a debt to your father, I plan to do my job well, I won't put up with any nonsense from you." Bold. But I'm impressed he isn't like the other keepers my father has appointed me, it was evident they'd be easy to crack, but I don't get that impression now, those men were just hired help, this guy seems more serious.

He raises his eyebrows and waits for me to reply, I stare into his eyes and reach my hands behind my back and unzip myself, not dropping my eyes from his as I let the fabric pool at my feet.

Bucky looks down at my naked body so fast I almost miss it before meeting my eyes back with his own and quickly shutting the door between us.

I smile to myself and head to my bathroom, "game on."


Authors note: I don't seem to be getting many reads past this chapter, please leave a comment below of what you don't like and how I can improve please!

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