Chapter 35.

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Poland, guns, tactics, knives, bodies, jets, suits, armour, hydra, death, blood, destruction, Bucky...

My mind is clouded, it has been all day, as I wait in this building, not knowing what is happening a few miles down the road, I hate the not knowing, the guessing game I have going on in my head.

Occasionally Nat will come check on me from downstairs, she's here with me just in case, like a baby sitter making sure the innocent little child is okay.

I feel helpless, I hate knowing I'm keeping a valuable asset from the team when they need her, I hate feeling bad for my friend being with me.

All my thoughts are on Bucky, my dad, Steve, Bruce, Sam, Rhodey, Wanda, Pietro.

Pietro, he came along, despite how awkward it makes me feel, despite the suspicions I have, I appreciate it, any body means less chance of damage to my loved ones.

The most we've heard from them so far is that they landed safely, that's all, the news hasn't picked up anything yet which I'm hoping is a sign it's going to plan.

The plan....

Take as many Hydra men captive as possible, we need them alive, we need information, we need, in my opinion, to burn the whole organization to the ground.

The room I'm in is in a run down area on the other side of Krakow, the windows are boarded shut with wood, the air smells damp as I notice the peeling white wallpaper and creaky floorboards that make me feel like I'm about to fall through to the room below.

Nat told me the safest place is the place they least expect, no fancy hotels or sky rises, we wore caps, sunglasses, wigs, we drove in an old, beat up Honda, we saw barely anyone, and definitely no one to be suspicious of, we came in with another man who is an agent of shield, we made it look as though he was showing us the house to buy, a perfect cover to get us inside.

"Only a few hours, we've just gotta wait it out."

That was what I was told this morning, now it's 5pm, we've moved to multiple different houses, keeping up our charade, not staying in one place for two long.

I decided Nat and I should make up a back story, to help us get into character, we don't look like sisters at all, so we decided we're lovers, looking to buy and fix up our very own love nest.

We go from car to each house, holding hands, touching the other with affection and loving smiles, the shield agent disguised as our realtor finds it amusing, doing his best to play his own role.

But each new house we move to, Natasha sends me up stairs, her and the agent who's name I still don't know, sit and keep up with the others, under strict orders from Bucky, he doesn't want me knowing anything.

Despite this being his mission, his issue, my father has headed it, he put himself at the very center, knowing damn well this needs to be done and he has the trust of each person that stands before him, he has the equipment, knowledge, leadership if you will, and I know Bucky is grateful it doesn't all fall on his shoulders.

I sit on the old chair in the corner of the room, a metal bed frame with broken springs in the center of what I assume is the master bedroom.

I'm not allowed my phone, I just have to wait, my mind racing with the thoughts of damn near anything going wrong, a few times I could've sworn I'd heard explosions far away, but I always convince myself out of it.

A sudden bang downstairs startles me and I wait for Nat to call up the stairs that it's nothing but all I hear is silence, and then muffled voices, I move my feet to the floor to investigate but hear multiple footsteps stomping up the stairs, I have no where to hide, and there's at least three people too many for it to be Nat but when she swings the door open and Bucky is behind her with the agent, Sam and Bruce I feel relieved, my heart sinks back to its rightful place in my chest and I leap at Bucky.

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