Chapter 29.

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"I didn't fucking say that!" Anger is coursing through my entire body.

"She said 'you might know my friend Peter' and I interrupted before she said anything else! I don't know where the hell that's come from." It's clear Bucky is just as pissed off as I am.

"Well that isn't what's being reported so how the hell did they get this information if you didn't say anything wrong?"

I look at the frustration on my dads face, I look at Bucky who is tensing his jaw so much I fear it might break and I look at Steve's face which looks as confused as I feel.

Sitting down in a chair in front of the desk, that's just what I'd like to know.

I bite my lip, and say what I know could probably be so stupid, "I thought a guy was following us, Bucky didn't seem bothered, I thought maybe I'm just being paranoid. I didn't see him near the kid and his mum though?" I question out loud.

Bucky puts a hand on my shoulder, "maybe it was the kid and his mum?"

We both look at my dad who seems to contemplate this suggestion. "You think they knew and baited you into saying it?"

I shake my head no, "they barely baited me, the most they did was tell me his name is Peter, it was me who almost said it. I didn't know no one knew about Peter until Bucky told me so. It was totally my fault, but, I didn't actually tell them anything."

The room is quiet, it doesn't make sense.

Nat comes rushing into the room and looks down at me in the chair, "you need to see this."

She picks up a remote and turns on the tv, there's my face on the screen, looking down at this child earlier saying Peter is Spider-Man.

My mouth drops open, I look at Bucky and he shakes his head slowly, "I don't understand?" He says quietly.

"They doctored it." My father says and I feel like he genuinely believes me.

He has no reason not to.

Except he does, this footage for one.

"Your mouth doesn't match up with when you say Spider-Man," Nat says and I feel even more relief, they believe me.

"What do we do? I don't understand why this has happened?" I put my face in my hands and I hear the tv being shut off.

"I need to talk to Peter and his aunt, that footage is coming from the mum!" I say angrily and stand up.

My dad gets up and walks around the desk to me, he puts his hands on my shoulders, "I'll speak to the kid. You and Sargent Barnes will go with Cap and Nat and see if you can get to the bottom of this."

He squeezes his hands on my shoulders and gives me a brief, reassuring smile and then we all turn and leave.

As we walk down the corridor to the meeting room, I catch a glimpse of Peter and who I assume is his Aunt May arriving by jet, the impulsiveness in me wants to run to him and apologise but I know I should and need to let my father talk to him first.

It's when we all sit down at the large metal table that I feel sadness about the whole situation, I know full well I can be an asshole, but never like this, never to hurt someone that means so much to me, not to Peter.

Bucky grabs my hand under the table and he gives me a nod that I have come to learn is him silently asking if I'm okay, I nod back and he squeezes my hand.

"Right, we need to figure out who would do this." Steve sits at the end of the table and folds his arms over his chest.

My mind is blank, I don't know who it could be.

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