Chapter 19.

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Sam checks I'm okay before he finally leaves and I appreciate him asking, "you shouldn't of had to share that with me, but I'm glad you did. If you need anything, you know where I am."

"Thanks Sam!" I smile at him and feel like a weight has lifted from my shoulders, not only have I gained a friend in Sam, but getting my history off my chest and sharing it with someone else here.. it makes me feel a lot closer to Sam than even Steve or Nat.

He's about to leave my room when I remember something, "Sam?"

He turns to me and smiles, "yeah? What's up?"

"Where actually is everyone?"

Sam shakes his head and laughs, "working!"

"But there's literally no one here."

He shrugs, "your father has made a bunch of changes and it's got everyone busy. Don't worry about it."

I smile but I feel a little worried, what changes? 

Once Sam has finally left I find myself wanting to find Bucky, when I look at the time it's getting late and I haven't eaten yet and when I walk into the kitchen, Bucky is sat alone having his dinner.

"Hi!" I feel awkward? After the most amazing afternoon I don't know why I feel so nervous seeing him.

He looks up from his plate and a huge grin pulls at his face, "hey doll!"

When he looks at me I feel so bold, like I'm invincible.

"What've you been doing?" I ask and sit down opposite him.

"I was just doing some training with Steve, what've you been doing?"

So Steve isn't working like Sam said? Or maybe he was and then stopped to train with Bucky?

"I've just been chatting with Sam, we had a little heart to heart." I laugh at myself, I couldn't imagine doing that this morning.

Bucky frowns at me, "Sam?"


"Sam Wilson?"



"Yes!" I laugh at his puzzled face, "I grabbed him when you guys had spoken."

Bucky bites his lip, "you heard us?"

I nod, feeling bad for eavesdropping, "yeah. Thank you for defending me."

He finishes his food and puts both his hands together under his chin, "he's wrong about you."

The way he speaks, it's so stern, like he genuinely believes it. "He knows that now, he apologised."

Bucky smiles and narrows his eyes on me, "what did you say to him?" He grins at me suspiciously.

I can't help but laugh at his accusatory stare, "the truth!"

His eyes narrow even more, "what do you mean?"

I feel my stomach churn and I bite down hard on my lip, Bucky knows nothing about my life before I came here really, and yet what he does know, he thinks nothing of. In Bucky's day, I'd of been an absolute social pariah, no one would speak to me because of my behaviour, I'd be an outcast, and yet Bucky hasn't brought that opinion into the future with him, in fact I'd go as far as to say he would've never even had that opinion even at that point in time.

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