Chapter 6.

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We reach the outskirts of the city just as it starts to get busy with the rush of the day, Banner tells us he has a friend ten minutes away but that he is a paranoid man that doesn't take well to lots of new faces.

"You two wait out in that cafe, I'll go with Bruce to see his friend."

Bucky and I cross the road and head into the cafe Steve pointed out, we order two coffees and take a seat by the window.

"I definitely need to run more, I'm exhausted." I rub my hands on my face, any makeup I had on is surely long gone.

Bucky looks from the window to me, he takes a sip of his coffee and smirks, "maybe we need to work on your stamina."

I take a sip of my own coffee, not today Barnes, at least not while I still need to catch my breath.

"I heard you named your computer, Blue right?"

"Yeah, it was my mum's favourite colour."

"I'm still not sure how all that stuff works, it took me ages to fly a jet."

Buckys face looks so innocent, I forget he didn't grow up with the technology I did, even his phone is ancient, so many things in this century are new to him.

"What's the best thing about being in the future?" Curiosity gets the better of me, I've asked Steve many questions about his past and the new normal but I know he gets emotional about it and that his mind always reverts back to Peggy.

"The food!" He nods slowly and repeatedly as if he's thinking about all the new foods he's had.

I laugh and he shrugs, "sitting here with you isn't so bad either."

How does he go from food to that? Where did that come from? What am I supposed to say to that? My brain is overwhelmed with questions and I think Bucky takes my silence the wrong way because he looks super uncomfortable all of a sudden.

"See Barnes, I knew you'd warm up to me." Sarcasm is the best I can do him, I know he expected more but he playfully rolls his eyes at me and continues talking to me as if he hadn't just said something that doesn't fit our dynamic at all.

I mean yeah Bucky can be caring, like how he always checks I'm okay, how he pushed me on in the woods, he brings me coffee when I'm hungover, but that's just him doing his job, he's trying to get on my good side cause of my dad.

We drink our coffee and keep our eyes on the streets, there's nothing out of the ordinary or interesting going on and instead we start giving ridiculous pretend lives to the people passing by the cafe.

"Her, brown skirt!" Bucky starts laughing as I look for the woman.

"She has 15 cats, all robots with fur! She can stretch her arms hundreds of feet and when she kisses people she sneezes!" He chuckles to himself and I cant help but laugh at how sweet he looks, so comfortable, no bad ass Bucky but he looks playful and sweet.

I spot a man crossing the road, "oooo! Him! Green jacket! He has a secret tail that he tucks up his shirt, he has multiple wives and millions of children and he can sing exactly like Mariah Carey!"

Bucky laughs "who?"

Damn I forgot he's old as shit, "Mariah Carey! Pop diva! Has like the highest pitched voice! Cracking Christmas song!"

He looks confused but gives me a look of approval.

As I scan the streets for someone else I spot Steve rounding a corner, he crosses the road and stands on the street outside the cafe window, I alert Bucky and we make our way out to him.

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