Chapter 34

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Days go by before I see even a glimpse of Peter, he goes back to Queens with May and only says goodbye to Tony, Pepper and Morgan.

The only time I see him before he leaves is out the window when he's climbing into the town car my father had arranged for them, Peter spots me and I wave with a smile but he just looks right through me and climbs into the car beside his Aunt.

As I drag my feet back to my room I feel the overwhelming sadness that has been ever present the last few days, house arrest and now this, I feel trapped in a life that doesn't seem real.

A part of me wishes I didn't have to deal with it all, from Derek, to my father, hydra, this situation with Peter, I hate it all so much.

Bucky looks at me over the top of a book he's been reading when I walk back in the room.

"He didn't want to see me."

Bucky gives me a reassuring half smile and puts down the book and opens his arms for me to be embraced in them, this is the only time I feel even slightly happy, when I'm with him.

I crawl onto the bed and into Bucky's grasp, he soothes me by stroking the top of my head gently, then places a kiss in my hair.

"He's angry, he'll come around."

Bucky is right, but then I feel angry too, I'm angry that they've got Peter involved in something that has nothing to do with him, I'm angry they're claiming it's about me to a damn news studio when it's really that they want to hurt Bucky.

A guilty feeling overwhelms my brain, I'm also angry that Peter was okay with me when it was someone trying to get at Tony but when it's to get to me, that's what bothers him.

No, I can't think that way.

I push the thought to the back of my mind, it's unfair being angry at Peter, it's not his fault.

My fingers run up Buckys shirt and I gently stroke over the soft skin on his hip, a weird habit I've suddenly developed that seems to bring me some strange comfort.

He shifts under my touch awkwardly and I look up at him, "what's wrong?" I can't read the expression he wears, his jaw tense but his eyes soft.

"It's.. well... we're leaving for Poland tonight."

He bites his lip and I feel my heart pounding faster.

"Okay." My lips curl in what is the weakest smile I've ever gave him and I bury my face in his chest, I can't face the tears threatening my eyes.

This is it, the one I've been waiting for, they're going to get rid of hydra, for good.

"Eden, you're coming with me."

My eyebrows pull together and I look up at him, "what?"

Bucky's nostrils flare as he looks down at me and strokes my face softly, "I decided to keep you safe I need you near me, I'm not going without you."

Relief, panic, dread, confusion, pure ridiculous terror, my body is one emotion after another as I process what he's said.

"You'll be in the city, you're not fighting, but I want you as close to me as possible."

I nod, looking at the desperation in his eyes, he's just as scared as I am, and yet I think, for a whole other reason.

His eyebrows pull together, Bucky looks at my lips then back to my eyes, his mouth opens to speak and then it closes and his eyelids flutter as he blinks a couple of times. I know this expression, he's nervous, and yet I've not seen it this intense before, my mind comes to one thought and I let my mouth say the words before I can process what I'm doing because in truth this isn't the moment I pictured.

"I love you Bucky."

His face softens, the nerves literally disappear in a flash, my entire body feels numb as I internally scream at myself for saying so, do I love him? This perfect super soldier of a man, who makes my insides feel like literal sunshine, who would do anything to protect me, who treats me like I'm the only person in the entire universe that matters?

Of fucking course I do.

"I love you Eden."

The words spill from his mouth like liquid gold,  I want to scream at him to repeat himself over and over again. My face pulls into the happiest, biggest smile, one I never thought I could possibly muster as Bucky's own face matches mine.

"I fucking love you Eden Stark." He says it again and it sounds even better, the way my eyes scan his face as his hand wraps around my neck and pulls me to kiss him.

This has never felt so good, kissing him, holding him, him holding me, it feels even better somehow, like my world has physically imploded in the most incredible of ways.

He pulls from kissing me and our breaths are heavily matched, his forehead rests against mine and the way Bucky looks into my eyes is something I want, no, need to see, feel, have for the rest of my life.

I laugh, awkwardly, not knowing what else to do, but he just smiles at me, that humongous, teeth filled, eyes creasing grin that I swear could make the world go round.

"We need to get ready." Bucky says but he's just looking at me, looking happier than I've ever seen him.

And then it drops, and his eyes are skittish as they look at mine, the nervous look comes back and suddenly my bold man has the look of a scared little boy, "you really mean it?"

He's questioning me? What?

I cup his face in my hands, "Bucky, you know I don't say that if I don't mean it."

He seems to contemplate this and then his face brightens, "your mum and Morgan."

"And you, James Barnes, you have me absolutely, ridiculously in love with you."

He beams again and lunges to kiss me through my hands holding him, "that was the plan." He laughs and I feel like Wanda as I tilt my head to look at him, "it was?"

He smirks, "the second I saw you arguing with Tony, I was yours."

My heart swells, and I feel like the grinch as it's as if my heart will literally beat out of my chest.

No words could possibly follow that, I think of when I first remember seeing him, he knocked the wind right out of me, but I'd of never admitted that.

"I told Steve you literally make me feel sunshine in my veins."

Why the hell did you tell him that?

I cringe at myself but he laughs, "sunshine in your veins?"

Hiding my face in embarrassment I have to laugh too, he pulls my chin up to look at him, a handsome smirk laid on his face.

"I guess I didn't really know how to process my feelings for you... that's the best way I could describe it."

Bucky nods, "I think that's a pretty accurate description doll."


A/N: I know this chapter is super short but I wanted it separate and it's so much fluff but I don't care I'm so glad they finally said it lol I'm as invested in this story as you guys! Also I'm nearly at 20k reads, thank you guys so freaking much!

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