Chapter 16.

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A/N: please read the entire chapter before trying to google translate haha! Please let me know what you think, it means the world to me. I just passed 700 reads which is WILD, thank you so much! You're all amazing! Please vote, comment and share!


Bucky's hands seem to grip on me tighter, but not in a way that hurts, more that he will put himself in front of me if I'm in harms way.

As he steps back further his eyes see what his height didn't allow before, "why is your neck red?"

His eyes are looking over all of me, looking for any other injury, he grabs my wrist in his hand and I didn't realise Pietro had such a tight hold until I see the red ring around it.

"Eden, why are your neck and wrist red?" His voice is raised slightly, it's panic racing through him, I can see it in the way his face changes, his nostrils flare, his jaw tense.

I swallow, I'm scared, but it's not of Bucky, it's of what I think he might do if he knew it was Pietro that hurt me.

It's as though he reads my mind when I blink hard, he's past me and out of the room so fast he could almost challenge Pietros speed himself.

When I chase after him I have to run to keep up as he reaches my room before I do and walks back out before I can get to him, Wanda and my dad have clearly taken Pietro elsewhere, I know Bucky wouldn't be walking out if he was still in there.

"Bucky! Please calm down!" I grab his arm but he's pure rage, he runs past me and down the stairs, I don't know where he's going and I can't keep up with the speed he has.

"STEVE! NAT!" I don't know where they are or if they can even hear me but I shout them still, hoping they can do more to stop him than I can.

Pietro can be punished for hurting me, but I won't allow Bucky to cause himself any trouble defending or protecting me.

Steve appears at the bottom of the stairs before Bucky can reach the ground floor and he grabs both his friends arms, Steve looks at him then me, "what's going on?"

I don't have words, what do I even think Bucky is going to do? Steve looks at my neck then at Bucky who when I reach him looks frighteningly like images I've seen of him before... as the Winter Soldier. Images that, as I'm reminded of, I become scared.


I hate the way Steve looks at him, confused about his anger, his behaviour, my neck, my worry, it almost makes me angry myself, it seems to click only a second later as Steve realises it isn't his friend that made these marks on my skin.

"Pietro?" Steve frowns, looking at the ground, trying to understand why he could've done this, I know because I had the exact same look on my face when I was stood outside my room after finding my father and sending him to Wanda.

At the mention of his name Bucky grunts and tries to push through his friends grip.

I can see the way Steve has to use force to stop Bucky from pushing past him.

Nat runs out a door to the right and the momentary distraction allows Bucky to slip from Steve's grasp and he's down the hall before I can register what's happened.

The three of us run after Bucky, but I realise we're too late as we enter the training room and Clint and my dad are holding him between them, Steve joins the pair as Bucky's super soldier strength is just a little too much for them.

I don't know what to do, tears are streaming from my face, and I don't even realize I'd been crying, I'm stood firmly in the door way, his anger is terrifying me because I know despite his wrong doings, Wanda will still allow no real harm to come to Pietro, and she can do a lot more damage to Bucky than his anger is allowing him to comprehend or consider.

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