Chapter 5.

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We reach a small village before the city and Banner tells us there's a bed and breakfast that we will be able to lay low in.

The building is small and I can't exactly see how they could fit more than two guest rooms in here, it seems I'm right because the woman tells us there's only one room available, the three men look at me and I shrug, it's not a big deal for one night.

The small polish lady shows us to a room that has a small double bed and an old red sofa. "If you three wanna snuggle I can take the couch?" I smile at the three men as Steve sets Banner down on the bed.

The poor man is exhausted and is almost instantly asleep. Steve tells us he's going to find us all something to eat and that we shouldn't leave under any circumstances, his eyes narrow on me when he says this.

"I'm reckless, not stupid!" I protest and pull the curtains closed until there's only a small gap to view the road. Bucky walks over to Steve and they mutter between themselves as I watch a small old car park up across the road and an old man gets out and enters a bakery in the building opposite.

The door closes and Bucky looks over Banner then sits down on the couch, he checks over his metal arm and tucks his hair behind his ears.

"So you gonna tell me where you learnt to throw like that?" He turns his head to me, he has that no bullshit face on.

I sit beside him on the couch, pulling my knees up and turning to face him. "Just cause your history is all over the shield database, I don't want mine out there." I give him a sarcastic grin and he bites his lip and gives me an unamused glare.

I look at Banner and Bucky shakes his head slightly, "he's out, he can't hear shit."

"Language! You're in the presence of a lady!"

"You're no lady" he laughs quietly and I can't help but join in.

I know he'll keep asking about it so I take a deep breath and begin to talk quietly.

"My mum raised me herself, her and Tony were a couple for a really short amount of time and he didn't want me at first, but my surname, it's still Stark, he sent money and gifts and cards and we had the occasional visit, but as he'll tell you himself, playboy, billionaire, philanthropist. I was basically a walking target to anyone who knew about me, so my mum got me in self defense classes, but they were expensive, 'my daddy is rich' classes" I roll my eyes "I knew who Nat was before I met her, my teacher was a black widow? Something like that? I don't know?" I shrug, "I learnt how to get very good with knives."

Bucky looks at me and leans forward towards me, his face closes in on mine as he puts his arm around my back. I hold my breath as he doesn't remove his eyes from mine and then he sits back and flips a knife in his hand, one of my knives he's taken from my belt.

I watch as he puts the knife on the table, "does your dad know?"

I shake my head, "I thought I could keep it from him, don't ask me why."

"Is that why you don't think you need someone watching over you?"

A laugh escapes me, surely he knows better than that? "Tony doesn't make you watch me because he thinks I'm helpless, you know that?" Bucky shrugs, "yeah, but is that why you think so?" He pokes my shoulder and I frown.

"I don't need anyone watching me because I'm 26 years old and I know what I'm doing."

Now Bucky really laughs, he quickly turns back to Banner and stifles his laughter, "you don't have a clue, Eden."

I frown again. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"If you knew what you were doing, you'd be doing this, working," he shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose, "getting drunk, partying like that, sleeping with a bunch of idiots, that's not you, you and I both know that."

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