Chapter 11.

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No one but Nat seems to notice as we enter the party with our hands linked, that is until someone in front of us moves and my dad comes into view, Bucky and I both drop each other's hands at once and as I look at Nat she has an apologetic look in her eyes.

"Would you like a drink?" Bucky turns to me and rubs his hand on his neck awkwardly, "wine is fine, thanks."

He raises his eyebrows, I laugh, "I'm not an alcoholic don't look at me like that." He gives me a smile and heads to the bar.

I join Nat where she's stood against a cocktail table alone.


The grin on my face gives me away and she gives me one of her own. "I don't know what it is, we'll see."

I'm being honest, kissing someone doesn't mean a lot.

Except with Bucky it does.

I don't know whether it's just a kiss or maybe more, maybe it's nothing. I'm not gonna build it up just to be let down.

"Tony won't mind yknow." Nat catches me off guard as thoughts spin around my head, but she's wrong, she's never wrong, but on this... He trusted Bucky to watch me.

But did he say you weren't allowed to-

I can't continue the thought in my head, allowed to what? I have no idea.

"Eden!" Nat snaps her fingers in front of me and I realise I've gone off in my head again.

"Sorry, I was just thinking..." I take a deep breath and my eyes find Bucky still waiting at the bar to be served. "You know how he reacted to the others Nat, Bucky is different, he's one of you. He was already on thin ice, you know he was, and he asked for this job to help me, not to.."

I can't finish that sentence, allowed to, not to... fuck. Where is this even going between us?

"Is Bucky the same as the others?" She has a slight frown as she waits for me to answer.

A woman has approached Bucky at the bar and she's laughing way too hard at something he's said, her blonde hair is pinned up tightly and she looks like a damn secretary not someone at a party. I can tell Bucky is giving short answers to be polite but when she touches his hand my stomach seems to burn.

"It's definitely different." Nat laughs and I turn to her.


She smirks, "you never got mad when someone tried flirting with the others.. even Pietro."

Fuck I thought she'd forgotten about that.

"I'm not mad."

"Sorry, jealous then."

I can't even deny that, my eyes are back on Bucky and the blonde and I'm holding myself back from going over there.

You have no right to be jealous. Chill.

"The others were just something fun to play with."

"And Pietro?"

My eyes find Pietro on the other end of the bar to Bucky, talking to Clint and Steve.

The truth is I don't know what it was between Pietro and I, it wasn't like this, but it was more than the others.

"Pietro isn't what we're talking about."

Nat nods, "okay you're right, so, Bucky.. you know it's different! I know it's different, for a start, he's someone that was dating in a different period of time."

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