Chapter 37.

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Words escape me, my entire body feels numb. Tears blur my vision, I can feel my limbs trembling.

I pull my hands to my face and rub my eyes with my palms, surely I'm dreaming?

She walks slowly over to me, her face doesn't look real, the last time I saw her, she was laid face down on her bed, vomit and blood spilling from her mouth, paramedics restraining me as I screamed to get to her.

"Eden.." she begins and the way her voice sounds makes me feel sick, my stomach twists in a way I never thought I would experience from hearing my mothers voice.

"Frank, get my daughter something sugary."

She speaks to Frankenstein, who's name now very much makes more sense and he scurries away leaving the two of us alone.

"Darling, I know this must be a shock." She lifts her hand to my face but I pull my head away from her, I can't even fathom letting her touch me, betrayal seeping through every fucking cell in my body.

"Please Eden, I did this for you."

Nothing, I have nothing for her.

Tony, my dad, how could I be so fucking stupid, heartless, is this why he left? Did he knew she was literally fucking evil? I don't even know that for sure, and yet she radiates it like a fog of black smog surrounding her person.

"Say something.." she sits on the edge of my bed, her face desperately looking at me but I scoot as far away from her as I can, realising the room has got a lot warmer, and yet I still feel cold.

"I want to leave."

Her face twists, "no, you're back with me, you aren't going anywhere near that evil man ever again."

Tony? "My dad is not fucking evil." I almost spit at her, registering only to myself this is possibly the first time I've referred to him as my dad out loud. Right now, even considering Bucky, he's the only person I want to see.

This bizarre, stranger of a woman in front of me, who is my mother but isn't, she laughs at my statement and shakes her head, "not that narcissistic bastard. James."

This strikes a match within me, my Bucky? She better not even dare.

"James, is not evil. And I think you need to watch your tone when talking about him to me."

I could never talk to her like this before, all respect, love and admiration for her has faded away and those parts of me are instead consumed with blind rage, hatred, fury and disappointment, she is just another member of hydra at this point.

"James has looked after me, and loved me for months, picking me up when I was crying over you! He is everything to me and he is no longer that horrible person you people tried to make him, he is Bucky, and Bucky is so god damn amazing and good!"

She frowns at me, "you really don't understand you silly girl, he has been faking it this entire time, him, Pietro, Wanda, they're all still working for us, for me."

No, no she's wrong.

"Yes, you didn't really think that heartless man actually cared about you? The only one who actually loved you is Pietro, poor Pietro, so easy to manipulate."

White noise, it's all I hear, like a gunshot has been fired beside each of my ears, I hear nothing she says, I can't believe her, not Bucky, not my Bucky, she's wrong.

My head falls back on the bed and Frankenstein's face appears above my body, he has a large syringe in his hand and he stabs it into my stomach, crippling pain goes through my body and the last thing I see is a tear rolling down my mothers face.

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