Chapter 15.

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I stumble from Pietros room, I surely must be wrong, Pietro wouldn't say something about me to Bucky, would he? And Bucky, why would he punch Pietro for it? I'm wrong, my mind is all over the place, there's no way that could've happened.

My feet move before I even know where I'm going, but when I find myself outside of Nat's door I can't say I'm surprised. She opens it on the first knock and doesn't linger before going back over to sit on her laptop on the bed.

One of my favourite things about living here is seeing all of these superhero's do such casual things, Nat chilling on her bed, Bucky dancing, Steve eating cereal, Peter playing with Morgan and being the sweetest almost brother to her.

"So how's things?" I smile and sit on the end of the bed, Nat looks at me through hooded eyes, scanning me for a moment before letting out a slight laugh.

"Tiring, you?" Damn her for giving nothing away.

"Y'know, panicking about my family, all in my head, trying not to drink myself silly just for something to do." I hope she senses the sarcasm.

"And how has that been going for you?" She smirks and closes the screen on her laptop.

I wonder whether to tell her about my dream, I mean she was in Wakanda with Thanos, maybe she can help me get to the bottom of it better than Peter or Pepper possibly could.

Nat frowns, as though she senses the inner battle I'm having with myself.

"You saw Pietro.."

Wait? What?

I narrow my eyes on my friend and nod.

"And what did he say..?" She drags out the last word and widens her eyes.

"Not much actually, but he mentioned me to Bucky.. apparently."

Nat seems to think about this as she licks her lips nods slowly.

"So I don't know everything, Pietro left when Bucky did, but things turned ugly on that jet, it's like Pietro had a whole new side to him apparently, Wanda still wouldn't speak to him when we left."

Hold on, Wanda isn't even speaking to her brother? What the hell did he say about me that was so bad? Surely me and Pietro having history alone wouldn't warrant such a response from Bucky, and especially Wanda.

Do I go back to Pietro and have it out with him? No, I feel like he'd get some weird satisfaction from that.

"So what did he say that was so bad?"

"No one would repeat it. And he said it in Russian."

"But you know Russian?"

"I wasn't there. And like I said, no one would repeat it. Steve doesn't speak Russian, he had to ask Bucky what Pietro had said, and when Bucky repeated it in English, they'd finally pulled Bucky off Pietro and gone back to doing what they were supposed to, but when he said it in English, Pietro smiled, and that's when he punched him, vibranium first."

Nat actually looks quite proud. She raises her eyebrows, leans forward and closes my jaw where it seems to of dropped to the floor.

"So no one but the people in that jet knew what was said?" I'm trying to get this straight.


"And who was in that jet? Bucky, Steve, Wanda, Pietro.. anyone else?"

I try think about who was here that morning, who else could've been there. Clint I'm pretty sure went with Nat and my dad, Banner and Sam stayed, "Rhodey?"

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