Chapter 45.

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I'm frozen in place, and all I can do is turn back to Bucky and see if he's noticed.

His jaw is tighter than I've ever seen it, his chest breathing heavily, Steve holds his arm in place.

Bucky's eyes flicker from anger to worry as he looks at me, and I just know I am wearing a panicked grimace on my face.

Truthfully I expected this, my father had talked to me about Pietro earlier in the week.


"I'm sorry for taking you away from your friends, but I wanted to give you an update on Pietro."

I swallow heavily at the sound of his name and pull my feet up onto the sofa so my knees are against my chest.

"He was under control this entire time, I'm sure you pieced that together?"

I nod.

"Luckily he was sent straight to Shuri. He was already breaking out.." my father leans forward on his desk on his forearms and smiled softly at me.

"He's okay, he's old Pietro again, for what it's worth."

I can sense it, the big fat 'BUT.'

"But.." I laugh from awkwardness.

My dad sighs, "Pietro remembers everything. He's ashamed, as you would be."

It's obvious what he's trying to say to me, "and he doesn't need the grief from me or Bucky?"


I smile at my father, how hard it must be to try and put the best foot forward in every situation.

"I kinda guessed that was the case, the few times I saw him while my mum had me.."

My chest feels heavy.

"I could tell old Pietro was coming back, that he was fighting it. I forgave him when I realised."

"And Sargent Barnes? Have you two discussed that?"

I can't bring myself to tell him that Bucky is pulling further away from me every day.

"It won't be a problem."


I step forwards bravely across the dance floor to Pietro, Wanda holds his hand so tightly I can see her white knuckles as I approach.

"Wanda!" I smile brightly at her and pull her into a tight hug.

Pietro stands awkwardly watching the embrace and as we pull away I turn to him and give my warmest smile, I can't imagine what he's feeling, thinking..

"It's nice to see you Pietro. I hope you're okay?"

His face goes a slight shade of pink as he nods to me, "I'm alright. How are you?" He asks and I can tell how difficult this is for him.

"I'm good. I hope we can talk later? If that's okay?" I ask and look at both him and Wanda who smiles in appreciation.

If anything, settling things between us is for her sake, she lost her brother for a year too, her heart must be pulled in all types of directions.

"I would like that." Pietro seems to release something invisible he's holding onto inside and I smile at the twins before excusing myself to the bathroom.

My hands on the sink, looking at myself in the mirror, I grip tight on the marble and tell myself off.

"This is not a break up." I whisper to my reflection and it's like she's mocking me.

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