Chapter 10.

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I didn't realise how well the compound could be scrubbed up for a party, not that the place is at all messy, but when I walk into the large reception room full of guests I barely recognise the place.

Shifting uncomfortably as people look over at me, I realise the reputation I have acquired as Tony's daughter and being occasionally in the press for my behaviour has made word spread about me.

I put my hand out to grab a flute of champagne off one of the waiters walking by me, but think better of it and pull my hand to my side, instead I look around the crowds and attempt to find any familiar face to distract myself. Before I can take a step I'm pulled into a hug as Pietro appears in front of me.

I'm spun around and his eyes light up as he takes in my appearance, "Eden, you are-" he pauses, thinking of the English translation perhaps, before he gives me a kiss on the cheek, "remarkable."

I can't help but smile, Pietros smile itself is infectious as he pulls me slowly to the dance floor behind him. He puts his hands on my waist and my mind goes to how Bucky had done so the night before. That seems like so long ago.

We dance to the slow jazz music in silence until Pietro finally speaks, "you know, I have found myself missing you Eden. Wanda and I, we are back to stay I hope.."

A knot tightens in my stomach and although I try my best, I know he senses that my smile isn't as genuine as he'd like.

"I should find Tony," I excuse myself and head to the bar, maybe I will risk just one glass of champagne.

"Well, you look lovely." Tony appears beside me and a hesitant smile graces my lips.

"As do you! I've got you a present upstairs."

"You got me something?" He fakes shock.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" I gesture around us.

"I wasn't going to let you to come." His eyebrows raise and he looks around at his guests.

"Since you're grounded."

I bite my lip and look to the floor.

"I spoke to Sargent Barnes."

My eyes shoot up to him. My expression encouraging him to continue.

Our gaze meets and I know I will probably never get a conversation with Tony about my mother the way we both clearly need. His expression tells me enough, that Bucky told him about my crying in the shower, that he feels bad about my mother, that he knows my behaviour is down to my grief. Unspoken exchanges have seem to become a thing that Tony and I do. I certainly don't think I could bare to have that conversation with him, like he definitely doesn't want to have it with me.

Steve told me on our first trip out to get ice cream, months ago, of Tony's reaction when he got the call about my mother passing. He said that Tony went quiet and withdrew from the meeting they were in, that it was the only time he'd seen what he thought was a negative emotion on my dads face. He said he could've sworn he even saw him starting to cry, and that no one really saw him for a few days until I arrived.

"I'm glad you're here, Eden." That's all I get from him, but it's enough.

He nods and walks away over to Pepper, I glance around the room and I spot Peter dancing like an absolute dork with Morgan, I can't help the laugh that escapes me as he does a weird twirl that knocks him into a balding man who has tried way too hard to scrape his last remaining hairs over his head.

I see Nat, who looks gorgeous in a long black dress, talking to Steve and Banner and..


He looks up at me as I register it's him and he gives me a slight smile as he eyes me from top to bottom and back up.

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