Chapter 46.

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I re-enter the party to see no one has noticed my absence.

My eyes scan over my parents laughing together as my dad kisses Pepper on the cheek.

Morgan has finally appeared and is forcing a little boy I recognise to be one of Clints sons to dance.

Bruce has resumed his position sat on his phone but there's a woman trying desperately to get some conversation out of him.

Nat is stood with Steve and Bucky at a high table close to the bar, no doubt so the killjoy Bucky can overlook the drinks I have.

I head in their direction but walk past them to the bar, receiving a huge smirk from Jack as I reach the section he's serving.

"Damn, can't get enough of me?" He says and I know for damn sure Bucky heard him.


"You're just irresistible." I joke and we both laugh.

"What drinks are you after this time?"

"I'll have the same as before," I lean over the bar "and more shots for my grumpy friends behind me." I gesture and he looks past me and nods.

Jack starts preparing my drink in front of me and his eyes keep moving past me, then back to me with his eyebrows pulled together.

"Let me guess, I'm being watched?" I say and I receive a laugh, "no, but I definitely am."

"Brooding long haired man with blue eyes?"

Jack looks past me and laughs, "exactly that."

He hands me my drink and I turn to face Bucky who has already closed the gap between my friends table and myself.

"What're you doing?"

"Enjoying myself, you?" I put my straw in my mouth and look at him with hooded eyes.

"Making sure you're okay. You've had a lot to drink."

An involuntary laugh escapes me.

He has no idea about the pill I also took before I came back in here.

"Oh Barnes, so uptight! Get your new girlfriend to relieve some of that stress." I walk my fingers slowly up his chest. The words feel like swallowing thorns, and I feel my nose sting as though I'm about to cry.

Bucky licks his lips and gives me a disappointed look.

"Is that what you want?" He asks with a heavy breath and I shrug my shoulders. "You can do what you like now, it doesn't concern me does it?"

He laughs in a way I know he's irritated by me.

"It concerns you in every way, Eden."

I look at him, I can't help but, his eyes are burning through me, his faint stubble on his jaw highlighting the annoyance when he clicks his jaw. Long hair pushed behind his ears...

"No, it doesn't. I don't care what you do."

He knows I'm admiring him because a small smile pulls at the side of his mouth.

Bucky leans down to whisper in my ear and I feel chills run through me as he speaks.

"Then why are you putting on a show?"

I don't know if I'm more turned on or angry, the way he said it, the look in his eye...

"Why are you watching it?" I snap back slowly with a smirk and his face changes from smug to annoyed as I proudly walk away from him.

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