Chapter 20.

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As I look at Bucky's eyes I see there's no hint of hesitation or reservations, he genuinely means it, and it's like both my mind and body finally relax.

I put my hands on his face and kiss him, only quickly, remembering Steve and Sam are also in the room. "Thank you," I whisper and he pulls me with him over to our two friends sat at the table.

"Hey, sorry about earlier." I hope neither of them are annoyed with me but Steve stands and encloses me into a hug, "we're here for you, alright?"

"Thanks." I smile back at him and Sam extends his first out to me to bump it, "we're good homie."

Bucky plops me down in a chair and goes back to grab my drink for me, I notice the three of them are drinking beer, besides a little hint at the party, I've never seen Bucky drunk, and I'm curious.

"So what you guys talking about?" I ask only to be nosy.

"Sam is telling us about a girl he had a crush on when he was younger." Bucky grins, I know that despite Sams defense of him, the pair still aren't the best of friends, but as I watch them now, I'm happy to see they seem to be getting there.

"What was she like?"

"She stomped around like she owned the place, hell my sister said she'd stomp on me if I ever had the balls to ask her out."

I can't imagine anyone intimidating Sam.

"Did you ever ask her out?" I ask and his expression changes.

"Hell yeah, she rejected me faster than Steve can do a press up."

The four of us laugh, and I feel the anxiety I was full of beforehand simply melt away.

"What about you Steve, was there anyone before Peggy?" Sam turns to him and Steve shakes his head.

"With Buck beside me? I didn't get a look in."

I look at Bucky and smile, he puts his arm behind me on the top of my chair and laughs, "yeah I've always been good looking."

Laughing at him, I believe he's absolutely right, I bet he's had women flocking around him his entire life, and I don't blame them.

"None of them really pulled me in though, and I had no time, I was always looking out for baby Steve." He drinks his beer and I can't help but watch his neck, jaw, his lips against the bottle, jheez!!

"I didn't get in that many fights." Steve pouts and Bucky smiles as if he's letting him believe that to be true.

Sam chuckles as he finishes the last of his bottle and goes to grab all three of them another.

"What about you Eden?" Steve turns to me and I freeze, "who was chasing after your heart before Bucky... and Pietro?"

I look at Sam and I know fear is clear all over my face, he gives me the smallest reassuring nod.

"I had a boyfriend called Derek until a few years before I came here."

That's it, unless they ask you don't need to say anything else.

"What the hell did he do to lose you?" Bucky asks softly, he's being sweet, but the question puts me on edge. I feel bile rising in the pit of my stomach, my eyes are on Sam again and he smiles, I know he's silently telling me that it's okay.

"He was abusive." I say and add nothing more, Bucky tenses and even Steve seems to sit further upright in his chair.

"Where is he now?" Bucky asks and I know he's probably planning some plot of revenge in his head.

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