Chapter 2.

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As I dry my hair in the mirror I consider my options, none of my previous keepers have reacted to my signature stunt how Bucky did, he looked but he wasn't visibly nervous, he didn't come onto me, it's a first, and it makes me curious how far I can push him, my last keeper lasted a whole month before he had enough of me, the longest overall, that was until he found me naked in his bed and couldn't resist me any longer. He tried his best, he'd seen me naked many times, but I know how to use it to my advantage. It seems that may not sway my new pal Bucky.

"Where are you going?" His voice is behind me as I leave my room and head down the hallway to the lift.

"Out!" I say back, Buckys footsteps behind me.

He puts his hand on my shoulder as we reach the lift and I turn to face him, "you're staying in today doll."

Bucky flashes me a smile and I feel the heat rise in my stomach, damn he really is attractive, a lot more attractive than the others. I bite my lip and roll my eyes, if he thinks I'm actually listening to him he's in for a shock.

"That is where you're wrong, I have a party to get to." Giving him a fake smile I turn on my heels and reach for the button but suddenly my body is lifted from under me and I'm suddenly being tossed over Bucky's shoulder, I feel the cold metal on my skin.

"Put me down are you crazy?!" I try to get to my feet but he has a strong grip on my legs.

"Come on doll, we're staying in today." He carries me back along the hall into my room and plops me on my bed.

What is with this pet name? "I'm no doll, and you don't get to tell me what to do."

He smirks and I notice the creases at his eyes, he bends down and leans on his hands either side of me, his face close to mine, "that's exactly what I get to do."

Buckys eyes look directly into mine and I lick my lips and eye him up and down, tilting my head slightly I frown at him, "but then what else can I do today?" I stroke my nails up his real arm and I wait for a reaction.


Bucky laughs slightly and stands straight, "I'll be in the hall."

And with that he's out my room without looking back, but being new, there's something vital he doesn't know yet, I leave this place via my bedroom more than anywhere else in the compound, forever grateful I'm only on the second floor of the building.

I grab my bag and take off my heels, quietly open my window and climb onto the roof below before climbing down to the gravel and putting on my heels. One of my dads staff whose name I've never bothered to remember mumbles to himself as he sees me turn the front corner of the building and I know I need to be quick getting through the gates.

"Eden, come here!" Buckys voice echos through the courtyard as I reach the gates and slip through and into my friends waiting car.

"Oh who is HE!" Frankie eyes up the man running towards us before driving away from the compound before he can reach us. She knows better than to linger.

We pull up to the party and I grab my phone from my purse, three missed calls from an unknown number, I only need one guess, Bucky.

I pull up a blank message and type out something I hope will get his attention. 'Come find me.'

I set my bag and phone down in the kitchen as we get in Frankies house and grab a drink, the entire downstairs is full of people and music is blaring loud.

In the crowd I spot one of my recent conquests and as we make eye contact I call him over, he sits down and I grab his face and pull him towards me, crashing my lips against his, still barely remembering his name, anything to distract me from the thoughts of my dead mother pounding in my head.

An hour later and I'm looking for Frankie, nothing. Even out in the garden I can't spot her, maybe she's took someone upstairs? Maybe I should've done that, and yet today I just didn't feel like it.

Although she's just as destructive as me, I know she's also got limits, she knows when to stop, I however know when to stop and keep going. I also know that she's the reason Steve is so cool with what I do, Frankie is a new friend, one that I met just after my mum died when I arrived at the Avengers compound, she is also an undercover agent of shield, and she answers to Steve, that I'm pretty certain of.

As I grab another drink and look for someone else to occupy me my eyes meet the blue eyes of a man with long hair, a beard and a black and gold arm. Bucky.

And this is why I'm so sure of Frankie being an agent of shield in some way. They always find me.

"Eden." Buckys eyebrows raise as he greets me, I made this easy for him and I'm almost sure he knows that. 

I smile up at him from my seat and put out my hand, he grabs it and pulls me to my feet. "Your dad needs you."

If he thinks I actually do anything my dad asks he has a lot to learn, and he needs to learn it fast.

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