Chapter 48.

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I wait for Bucky to reveal something that he's lying, anything. But as the days go on, he doesn't even mention this supposed girlfriend.

It's only when Steve brings her up, and even then, Bucky shuts him down fast.

Nat is oblivious to what's going on and when Bucky leaves the room, she'll occasionally scold Steve for mentioning a girlfriend in front of me.

This happens twice, that last time just five minutes ago as Bucky has left mid movie to get a drink.

Peter sits awkwardly beside me one side with Morgan on my other snuggled in to me.

"Why is Steve asking about her in front of you?" Peter whispers to me as Nat tells off Steve.

"Bucky told Steve he doesn't actually have a girlfriend..." I try not to smugly smile and Peter looks at me confused and turns back to the tv.

A little odd, I thought he'd have more to say.

Bucky re-enters and sits himself back between Morgan and Steve.

As his weight dips the sofa, Morgan stirs slightly and moves from curled into my side to wrapping herself around Bucky, he looks at me, eyes wide.

"It's okay." I mouth and he seems to relax, allowing her to cuddle him even more and a small smile pulls at his lips as he accepts her affection.

This is when it hurts to not be with him, when he's struggling to see how loved he truly is, when he's at his most innocent being cuddled by my lovely little sister.

I realise that besides Bucky and Steve, she's the only person I've seen be honestly affectionate to him, and my heart swells knowing she sees how incredible he is, her pure heart sees him truly, just like I do.

The pair have my attention as we press play on the movie, I don't care about what's on the screen, just that the two people I love the most are cuddled up beside me.

Every time one of them even slightly moves, which Morgan does a lot in her sleep, I can't help but look at them, Bucky isn't watching the film either, instead just looking at Morgan in awe, she's snuggled herself right into his arms and the pride is evident on his face.

I try my best to watch the tv, knowing I can't stare at the pair the entire film.

In my head Bucky is still all I can think of, I find myself jealous, that I can't show him the affection I'm desperate to, and then I'm a moment I feel angry, why did he lie to me, why say he has someone when he doesn't? Am I that bad? Does he so desperately not want to be with me?

Almost like my body reacts to my mind, I curl in on myself, pulling my knees to my chest and shielding my body with my arms. I feel Bucky's eyes on me, he can sense I'm in my head, he always has been able to, my body hides none of my emotions from him, to him I'm easily readable.

I feel myself zone out, no longer paying any attention to anything or anyone in the room. Bucky is beside me but I find myself dreaming of a different version of him.

"Eden?" I hear him say my name and snap myself back to reality, the film is finished and we're the only two left in the room. I zoned out so much that I hadn't even noticed the passing time and my friends leaving the pair of us.

"Yeah?" I turn to him and his eyes are soft, "are you okay?"

Don't cry. Don't cry.

"Yeah. Fine."

Bucky smiles only slightly, "Eden. You can't fool me."

A bitterness chokes me at him saying this.

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