Chapter 44.

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No one notices me slip back into the compound, but then again no one really knows I left.

I can feel how puffy my face is from crying, and I welcome the cold water I splash my face in when I get back to my room.

Already showered I get myself ready for my party, it's the last thing I want to be doing but I know I can't disappoint my father and Pepper.

I haven't been shopping since I've been home, and as I'm looking through the dresses in my wardrobe, a wicked, sad and petty thought comes into my head.

My fingers run over the gold, heavy fabric of my favourite dress and I take the hanger out the wardrobe and lay the dress on the bed while I do my makeup and hair.

Only as I look into the mirror at myself when I'm dressed and ready, do I start to feel overwhelmed by heartbreak once again, the last time I wore this dress, the night started perfectly, crumbled at the end, and then the next day...

Bucky and I having sex for the first time is forefront in my mind and I realise a smile has pulled at my lips while my stomach has dropped.

Every step I take in the direction of the music booming through the compound fills me with dread, knowing these people are here to see me, my family, my friends, but more importantly... Bucky.

I know he's still here, that he probably wants us to be friends? Maybe? Hopefully?

People cheer as I walk in the room and I try not to show how cringeworthy I find it, grateful, but uncomfortable.

"Hey girl, let's get you a drink!" Nat smiles at me as she's the first to greet me properly.

"This is all a lot right? I told Tony you'd hate it."

I laugh and follow her to the bar, "vodka, lemonade and lime please!" I say to the bartender and he nods at me.

"Double!" I shout after him and he smirks and winks.

"He's cute!" Nat grins after him and her eyes follow him as he heads down the bar.

"He really is," I add and she frowns at me.

My heart feels like it's going to stop beating as I realise that Nat doesn't know about Bucky and I.

"We're done.. Bucky and I." I swallow hard and she blankly stares at me.

"It's okay. I'm okay." Liar.

Nat closes her mouth that has dropped open and she shakes her head while closing her eyes. I can only imagine what she's thinking, everyone thought we were so solid, so did I.

"What happened?" She questions and I say all I can without bringing myself to tears.

I shrug, and pull the bravest smile I can to my face, "I died," I laugh, "and he moved on."

Nats face drops and she puts her hand on my arm to comfort me, "I'm sorry Eden."

"It's okay," I pull on my fakest smile as the bartender comes back to us and hands us both our drinks.

"Have a good night, ladies."

"We will!" I give him my flirtiest smile and pull Nat away, I know my dad will kill me if I don't mingle.

I take a lap and smile and greet faces both familiar and not, giving the occasional hug and kiss on the cheek when someone that knows me a little better steps up and gets emotional at me being alive.

Rhodey is the first of these people, he's known my dad for years, he's seen me grow up, even if it is from a far.

He holds me for a little while longer than I'm comfortable with, I allow it for his sake and when he pulls back and looks at me again he has soft eyes.

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