Chapter 22.

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Bucky is looking at me, but I don't know how to feel about this, Pietro being allowed to stay here..

I turn on my heels faster than Bucky can stop me, I'm almost running to my fathers office, my name is called behind me as I run down the hall.

"Pietro is staying?" My voice is raised higher than I intended as I storm into the room Tony is working in.

He looks up from what he's doing and crosses his arms, almost like he expected me to come barging in here.

He says nothing.

I hear people run in the room behind me, I know that at least one of them is Bucky.

"Pietro is staying? You're letting him stay here? In what world do you think that's a good idea?"

I can feel how angry I'm becoming, my nails are digging into the palms of my hands so forcefully I'm almost sure I'm making myself bleed.

My fingers are untangled and by the texture of both skin and metal, I know exactly who it's by.

My hands are held at my sides and Tony rolls his eyes taking us in and shooing away whoever's behind us.

I hear the door close and know the three of us are alone, my hands are loosely released but he's still holding onto me.

Swallowing hard, I look at Tony, he shifts his arms, not at all impressed.

"Look, Pietro is still part of this team, this family."

I can feel myself shaking with fury, Bucky's thumbs rubbing gently on my skin, he's trying to calm me down.

"You do not have to like it, but you both have to live with it." He looks between the pair of us and Bucky moves to my side.

I have to bite my tongue from speaking, I don't want to stand here screaming at him, but he needs to see how ridiculous it is to let Pietro stay here, does he not see that Bucky literally wants to murder him? That if it wasn't for Wanda I would probably let him.

You can't kill every man who wrongs you.

Pushing my inner thoughts aside I let him continue.

"Pietro is going to apologise."

He says nothing more. That's it. That's nothing. An apology? For my bruised neck and wrist, for the shit he said to Bucky about me?

"Barnes could you give us a minute?" My dad asks and I don't look at Bucky, I physically can't. I feel like seeing him will further my anger.

He leaves and I feel ridiculously conscious of my emotions.

"You're upset, I understand. But what do you want me to do here?"

I have no idea why he's not being his usual sarcastic, smart ass self.

"Defend me? Be on my side?"

He takes a heavy breath.

"There's more people in this family than just you, Eden."

"He had his hand around my neck."

I know he's trying to handle this like he does all other business, but I've been there, it contributed to how bad our relationship is.

Tears fill my eyes as I think of what happened with Derek.

No this is nothing like that and you know it.

"What do you want me to do? Kick him out the avengers? And then what happens to Wanda, what happens to Pietro?" His voice is softer.

"Don't you think I'm angry about how he treated you? It's above me."

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