Chapter 36.

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My head is pounding, bright lights above me make it hard for me to see clearly, I hear machines buzzing around me but when I look to the side I realise it's not any type of medical equipment. Large black towers with flashing lights, multiple of them, and each at least six feet tall. Hard drives of some kind?

A cough startles me and I lift my head as much as possible, as I breathe in I can still smell the chemicals used to knock me unconscious.

"Eden, I'm sorry." It's Pietro, I recognise his voice even if I can't properly see him.

I let my head fall back onto the bed and close my eyes tight.

A hand grabs mine and if I wasn't shackled down I'd tug it away, instead I hold my fingers out straight, making it clear I do not want to hold his hand.

"I did this for you, for us."

Every word he speaks feels like a stab to my chest, how could he even expect I'd appreciate this, whatever this even is.

Pietro puts his hand on my leg and I kick my legs as much as I possibly can with the restraints on my ankles.

"Get off me Pietro, I swear to God." I shout and I finally get a look at him as my eyes adjust to the light.

His face is dirty, water streaks down the grime covering his cheeks show that he's been crying.

I don't care.

But I notice it and my curiousity peaks all the same.

"I didn't want to do this, they promised you to me."

White rage blasts through every inch of me, "I'm not an item to be promised! I'm a fucking person with feelings!"

Pietro shakes his head at me, confusion overwhelms his once soft features.

"That's not what they told me. They told me you would love me."

His words aren't his own, Pietro would NEVER talk like this, it's not in him at all to speak in such a way.

"This isn't you Pietro. They've done something to you, you aren't who they're trying to make you out to be.." I sigh, words fumbling from brain to mouth, "the Pietro I love, the Pietro that is my friend, he wouldn't do this to me."

His eyes dart around the room faster than I can comprehend, his head shakes, fast.

"You are wrong, you are mine. It will all work out in the end. It will all work out in the end."

He chants it to himself almost as he backs away from me and in a frenzy leaves me alone in the room when he reaches the door.

My eyes scan my surroundings, praying there'll be something, anything to help me escape the bonds I'm confined in.


Just the bed I lay in and the computer towers filling the room.

Was this really the best place to put me?

I can't help but wonder to myself, why here?

Footsteps sound from down the hall and I lay back, still, hoping that whoever is approaching will walk straight past the room I'm trapped in.

The sound of two people entering the room has me trying to breathe as calmly as possible, I don't want to look at them, imagining in my head some sort of absolute monsters or terrifying aliens with horrifying features, no noses, teeth like razor blades, eyes evil and hypnotic.

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