Chapter 49 - A Different Perspective.

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The clock ticks so slowly on the wall above Steve's head.

Every time I look at it I feel sick, like the entire weight of the world is on my head.

I can hear her screams from down the hall, but they won't let me in, how can they not let me in?

A strange feeling overwhelms me and I look down at my hands, one flesh and one a cool metal.

My hands go to my face and I feel at my features, eyes, nose, mouth.

I look back at Steve, he's talking to a doctor, I can't quite comprehend what's happening.

Why won't they let me see her? Why don't they know she needs me? I need to be with her!

My feet are moving me without allowing my brain to catch up, get to her, just get to her.

She stops screaming, panic.

I push through doors, shove past doctors, I burst into the room and there she is, her hair not a little out of place, her face is fresh, clear of makeup but yet she looks as beautiful as ever, glowing as she cradles a blur of blankets in her arms.

My curiosity pushes me forward.

Just one more step..

Just one more step..

I'm in front of her, my gorgeous Eden, a silver band on one finger of her left hand catches the fluorescent lighting and I feel a smile pull at my face.

My wife.


I look at my own left hand, a matching silver band around the metal, I'm hers, just like I always have been, and she is mine.

Her voice brings me out of my thoughts and I look at her smiling face as she extends her arms towards me, "Buck, this is your son."

My arms reach for hers, to take my son into my arms, the blue blanket falls as I touch it and I see his face, he has her eyes, her gorgeous, bright eyes that make a room light up.

I look at Eden and see a tear fall down her face, she's smiling and then she isn't, and her eyes drop to the blanket and she begins to sob.

My own gaze follows hers as my son begins to fade in front of my eyes, his skin turning to dust as I try my best to grab at him.

I'm jolted awake, sweat covering my body, soaking the sheets I'm laying in.

Desperation pulls at my heart, my Eden, my girl.

And.. my son, our son.

It's the first time in a long while that I let myself cry, a super soldier shouldn't cry, but fuck I don't even care.

Sobs overwhelm me until my heart break turns into anger, I'm on my feet and pulling on clothes, a shower is the last thing on my mind as I pull on my shoes and head for the door.

Feet moving fast, brain clouded, I know where I'm headed, and that guys gonna regret it when I get there.

I hate that she's brought this side out of me, the man I thought I had buried long ago.

Wakanda, the trigger words..

But I don't need to be the winter soldier under anyone's command to be angry, to want revenge, there's a fire burning in me, and the only control I'm under is the pain of losing her.

The guy doesn't even see me coming, as I walk in the lobby he's got his back to me and I am light on my feet as I walk over and smack his head against the marble desk, his cry of pain only edges me on.

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