Chapter 27.

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I feel awkward climbing aboard the jet, even in the car with Bucky, Sam and Steve I feel uncomfortable, I know I overreacted, but when it comes to Bucky I feel defensive.

It was frustrating for me being told we had to be confined to that hotel room, it must be even worse for Bucky.

Or maybe it wasn't, I know he's tired of the fighting, and I know he enjoyed the time we had together in the hotel room, last night he told me so while he cradled my face in his hands before we went to sleep.

"Are you okay?" My father asks when I sit at the back of the plane, avoiding speaking to everyone else.

I nod and give him a smile, I've not seen him in days. "Cap told me you're annoyed. I'm just trying to keep you safe, no one will do that better than him." He gestures to Bucky who is talking to Steve but keeping an eye on my interaction with my father.

"Even I couldn't protect you like he could."

It's weird for my father to admit this, he's a typically arrogant person, for him to actively say Bucky is better than him at something is huge.

"I don't want him to resent me." I say and he sits on the edge of the seat beside me.

"He won't." He looks at Bucky and I don't see the look on his face until he turns back to me, "I think he loves you." He says it quietly so not to be overheard and my breath catches in my chest.

"Not quite." That is definitely not true.

My dad gives me an awkward smile, he's not going to force his opinion, but then he says something unexpected before he gets up and goes to the controls up front.

"There was never any risk from the flag smashers yknow, I arranged this for the two of you. After Pietro staying, I owed you one."

This man is totally different from the father I had always thought of, whether he's trying to make it up to me or something else along those lines, his sarcasm is still there, his ego absolutely, that will never go anywhere, but it seems also his softer side is beginning to show.

He doesn't allow me to thank him, he just stands and leaves after patting my knee.

Bucky walks over and sits beside me, he lifts his arm and allows me to snuggle into his side.

"We'll be home soon." He says pressing his face against my hair.

We wait while everyone gets sorted and eventually we're in the air and on our way home, I much prefer a private avengers jet than public transport when it comes to traveling with these guys, I couldn't even imagine how awful the hassle would've been trying to get through the airport.

Sam is snoring only an hour into the flight and I can barely look in Steve's direction, I don't know what it is between us recently, a tension that has never been there before.

I don't want to lose Steve, no one has been a friend to me like he has, when I first arrived I was terrified, I'd been broken down to the core, after Derek, my mum, when I met Steve he welcomed me with open arms.

He wasn't awkward like my dad was, he wasn't trying a little too hard like Pepper, he wasn't hesitant like Peter or even Nat, he took me out for a milkshake, refusing to take no for an answer.

'We're breaking the tension, I'll be your new best friend.' He'd smiled at me, and almost forced me into his car.

A week later I met Frankie, she was at the same milkshake shop I'd been visiting with Steve, she asked if I wanted to go for a drink and meet some of her friends, besides Steve I felt lonely and I happily agreed.

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