Chapter 7.

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Days go by before I see Bucky, it seems I've been released from his watchful eye for now.

A large part of me thinks that's great, I can do what I want, and yet another part of me, a much larger part, really just hopes he's okay.

I decide to distract myself, I text Frankie to come get me, telling her we should head to a club. It's Friday after all, what else is there to do?

When we arrive I hand the doorman my ID and he smirks, "Stark huh?" I nod, "yep! Stark! That okay?"

He laughs and hollers for another man to come over, "this girls so obsessed with Iron Man she's even changed her name!" He really thinks he's humiliating me huh.

I take back my ID and smile as the two men laugh at me with a few others in the crowd for the door joining in. Frankie grins and I follow her lead as I walk in the door.

"Blue, in a few hours, tell Mr Stark where I am."

"Of course Eden, would you like him to send someone to pick you up?" Blue speaks into my ear, I've found a comfort in her being permanently with me.

"No, just let him know."

Frankie and I head to the bar and get ourselves shots and drinks, "to the dickheads outside eating their words." We clink our glasses together and laugh.

"I can't wait to see you get caught this time, how did you even sneak out? Where's the guy with the long hair?"

I love how she plays dumb, if she works for Steve she definitely knows Bucky.

My mind goes to him and I almost want him to come drag me home.

No, no I don't mean that, shut up Eden.

Frankie and I drink and dance for hours, our bodies grinding against random men as we become more intoxicated, their hands on our hips as we move our bodies to the music.

The man I'm dancing with is handsome, his blonde hair is styled with just enough wax that I can run my hands through it. I pull gently and he smirks, pulling something from his pocket and putting it in his mouth before slowly kissing me and transferring a pill onto my own tongue. My mind immediately goes to Peter telling me I should be a grown up but I push it away. Being a grown up is doing what you like.

My dance partners hands go down my hips to my bum, his tongue on my neck as he kisses up to my ear, my eyes roll back in a euphoric state as the buzzed feeling begins to overwhelm me.

Bucky is in my head, and I open my eyes greeting his own as his hands roam my body, his mouth on my neck, I blink hard and Bucky is replaced by the blonde man. Fuck.

I close my eyes shut, and can't fight the feeling of hope that when I open them again it's Bucky I see, and it is, I see his face push through the crowd, but it isn't the Bucky I know, his hair is almost all gone, cut into a much shorter style, his beard is mere stubble across his jaw, a leather jacket hugs his torso tightly.

My mouth opens to speak but I can't, I turn my back to my dance partner and direct myself at the man heading towards me.

Bucky reaches us and he's already shouting at me to leave. The music is so loud I barely hear him but he gets his point across well enough.

"You know you shouldn't be here! You couldn't just stay home? I saw you take something, you need to be sick!"

The blonde with his hands still on my hips pulls my back to his front, "she's going nowhere with you buddy! Can't you see she's having fun?"

Bucky grits his teeth and tilts his head, I know that look, and it's dangerous. Yet a part of me, a very stupid part of me wants to push that dangerous part out of him.

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