Chapter 31.

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I have to pull myself away from totally fawning over Bucky.

Finishing my desert and following everyone through to the lounge area for drinks.

I perch myself beside Bucky and Steve flops down the other side of me, "can we get a milkshake this week?" He asks as he turns to me and I nod.

"Why what's up?" I ask curiously and he briefly smiles, "I just miss you." He says but I can tell that's not it. I hope he's okay, but it's Steve, I know he will be.

"Okay, as long as you're alright." I say to my friend and he smiles and he looks past me to Bucky who's arm is around my back, "hey Buck, we still training tomorrow?"

Bucky looks across me, "yeah! Unless you've got me double booked?"

Steve laughs, "no, course not."

I love seeing exchanges between the pair of them, I always find myself wondering if they've always been how they are now, I know at one point they were a lot closer, since Bucky returned from Wakanda, with his mind clear, and no longer an enemy or someone to worry about, their dynamic has changed.

Bucky told me the other day he doesn't remember much, and he doesn't miss what he doesn't recall having, but it's different with Steve, I know how he misses Bucky terribly, I feel guilty sometimes, like I'm getting in their way, but I know there was a time while Bucky was in New York when he came back from Wakanda that they did make progress in trying to mend their damaged friendship.

"Eden!" I snap out of my thoughts hearing my name called, finding the person who wants my attention I look at Nat and she smirks, "she's day dreaming of Bucky."

I feel my face flush red and roll my eyes hoping to brush it off, Pietro is beside Nat and I feel like she purposely said it for his benefit and not to embarrass me which is a little relief.

"Isn't she always?" My father says and my attention is turned to him, he's clearly been talking about me and I've totally missed it.

"As I was saying," he gives me a stern look, "we will get to the bottom of whoever is doing this, and May, if it is to get at either Eden or I, we apologise."

My eyes find Peters aunt and I nod in agreement, "they won't get away with it, not with this lot around." I smile, I'm half joking, but also being sincere, I know that these guys won't let that slide. Peters just a kid, whoever this is has uprooted him and his life completely and revealed something that's going to change how people treat him for the rest of his life, for the better or worse, we don't know.

Peter gives me one of his unsure smiles, I know this is bothering him more than he'll tell anyone, he keeps most things to himself, occasionally telling me the odd thing but I think Ned or MJ know the better workings of his brain.

The conversation turns to something else and I head to the kitchen to get myself, Bucky and Steve another drink.

"Eden?" The voice fills me with dread, I feel rude, mean, like the worst human being for even thinking that.

"Hey," I try to act as normal as possible as she wanders over to me, knowing full well this conversation will be about her brother, we've not really spoke since she pulled him away from me in my room that day.

"How're you?" Wanda smiles at me and leans against the counter.

"I'm good, how're you?" Our friendship has drastically changed and I hate it, I miss her.

"Good." She pauses and looks around the room, "I'm sorry about Pietro, he has behaved in an unacceptable way, we're working on it."

I shrug it off, "good." He needs to do more than work on it.

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