Chapter 32.

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Bucky remains silent and in a bad mood, he glances at Pietro who smugly smirks back to him which I know he's trying hard to ignore.

When Nat insists on putting on music, I cuddle myself as close as I can to Bucky's side and pull his head down for me to whisper in his ear. "If you show he's got to you, he wins, you're the one that was in that bathroom with me, not him." Bucky looks at me and raises an eyebrow, "and you're the one who gets to fuck me later, not him." I whisper with a giggle and he kisses me, publicly, his eyes go wide and then he pulls a totally unbothered face and kisses me again.

I blush and turn to see if anyone has noticed, embarrassed slightly, but I realise the only person who's even bothering to look in our direction, is who has been bothering Bucky all night, and I certainly won't be mad about that.

A shoulder nudges mine and I look at Steve who's smiling brightly, I lean in to him, to talk to him over the music.

"I'm really glad you make Bucky happy."

The approval of his best friend, it means the world to me. "Thank you Steve. I hope you find someone again one day."

He frowns at me and briefly smiles before turning away from me to talk to Sam.

"Do you think Steve is seeing anyone?" I ask Bucky and he shrugs, "he'd tell me if he was."

"Would he? He's been going off god knows where all the time, he's being even more flirty with Nat, I think they're sneaking off together."

I will go down with this ship.

Bucky laughs and shakes his head at me, "will you get off that? There's nothing between them."

He's so insistent but he doesn't pay attention like I do, I see how Steve looks at Nat, how she looks at him. "Yeah and there's nothing between us."

His head tilts and he playfully glares at me, "take that back."

I smirk, "I won't. Unless you say 'Steve and Nat could be a thing' and mean it."

His eyes narrow, he looks to Steve, then Nat, then back to Steve, then Nat.

Finally his eyes are back to me, "they could be a thing." He and I both laugh and he pulls me to him, "but it's nothing on us."

Success, and sweet words from this dreamy man.

By the time everyone heads to bed, I'm simply exhausted, I pull Bucky along to my room and he pulls back the covers while I undress myself and flop into bed, he eventually climbs in beside me and in one swift motion pulls me into his arms, resting his forehead on mine and stroking my hair out my face softly as I drift to sleep.

When I wake up, it's to Bucky sprawled out all over the bed, his mouth open as he snores and then wiggles his nose, I shift and his eyes open just enough to spot me and lean over to kiss me, "how did you sleep?" I ask and he smiles, "good, always good."

I know that's not true, but since he sleeps in here with me, or I in his room with him, he does seem to sleep a lot better.

"Do you want to get breakfast?" He smiles with his eyes closed again and I nuzzle myself into him, "no I'm pretty happy laying with you for a little longer."

A devilish grin pulls on his face and his eyes open wide, "what?" I ask giggling and before I can say another word he's rolled me over onto my back and his face is buried between my legs as he smiles up at me while I'm moaning his name.


A shower is welcomed, even if Bucky does insist on joining me, I never liked shower sex, but the way he lifts me with ease against the tiles and then without fail carefully washes my body and hair after, splashing water playfully in my face and holding his wet body to mine while he smiles at me, there's nothing I can't help but love about it now.

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