Chapter 4.

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Friday rolls around fast, I wake up with a hangover from hell and the last thing I want to do is get on a flight to Poland, especially not with Bucky and Steve as my only company.

Once I'm showered and dressed I head to find my dad, he'd asked to see me yesterday but I went out and got drunk instead, much to Bucky's annoyance when he realised I'd slipped through his watchful gaze yet again.

He's in his workshop when I find him, tinkering on an old Iron Man suit.

"Hey, you wanted to talk to me?" I plop down in one of the chairs near his desk.

"I wanted to give you something, this is your first mission, I'm really proud of you Eden."

He hands me a small device that as I take in my hand it attaches around my wrist. I look at him in confusion and he taps part of the device still sitting in my hand, a few feet away a small case comes to life and reveals a bunch of knives and gadgets.

"You've had training with knives, you know how to use them, so use them, I want to know you're safe, even with Captain America" he laughs while imitating how Steve said the same thing the other day.

It's clear my dad has confidence in me, and yet I know he's worried too, he can fool everyone else but like Pepper, I see him clearly.

Maybe that's cause you're so alike? I shake my subconscious out my head.

"Steve won't let anything happen to me.." I tell him and myself, I won't admit it but I'm slightly worried too.

My eyes scan the contents of the case, I place the small button earphone like device in my ear and pick up a pair of glasses that are similar to his signature style and try them on, I hear a voice in my ear, very similar to Friday but different, "you can name her yourself, she'll do anything to help, that whole case is yours, it has everything you need" my dad smiles at me and gets back to tinkering.

I nod and take the case, lingering by the door before leaving, "thanks Tony."

Steve is waiting for me as I get back to my room, he's suited and ready and hands me a smoothie which he insists will cure my hangover.

"Bucky's preparing the jet, I hope you're a good flyer" he smiles as I finish the last of the green smoothie and he takes back the glass and grabs my larger bag for me, "you get changed and meet me downstairs."

Once changed I tap the button on the device on my hand, "hello Eden, what can I help you with?"

"I've decided what to name you. Blue."

"Great name Eden."

I smile and grab my other bag and head to meet Steve, he walks along side me to the hanger just outside the main building, Bucky is busy flicking switches and doing other bits when we board the jet, I've not seen him this morning surprisingly, I guess he's had other things to do.

"Buckle up," he says as he walks past me and closes the back door once we're all on board. He looks more tense than usual and considering how he went off at me once he found me yesterday that's certainly saying something. Apparently, I make things more difficult for myself, or so he told me as he carried me up to my room last night.

As Bucky and Steve take their seats at the controls, Bucky turns to me and smiles, "try not to be sick, we'll be going fast."

My stomach lurches at the thought, hoping the hangover smoothie from Steve doesn't reappear.

Bracing myself as we take off it isn't as bad as I expected and despite Bucky's little warning the speed doesn't seem any faster than a normal plane would. Steve unbuckles himself after a while and tells me I can do the same, he goes to the back of the jet and messes around with some bags and I go to the front and take his seat, being extra careful to not touch anything.

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