Chapter 21.

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When I wake, I'm enveloped in Bucky's arms, my face is pressed against his bare chest.

I can't believe how warm he is, how warm I am, he's like a giant hot water bottle wrapped around me. I attempt to move out of his arms, even just to take my hoodie off and snuggle myself back into him.

It's difficult to pull myself from his grip, as soon as I move even slightly he puts his arms around me tighter.

"Bucky.. Bucky.." I say softy to try and wake him but he doesn't move, I manage to adjust myself so I can touch his face with my hand.

Gently I stroke over his cheeks, over his eyes, across his soft lips where he's gently snoring. I press my lips to his chest as I stroke my thumb over his eyebrow, he doesn't stir so I do it again, repeatedly kissing his chest, collarbones, neck.

I finally hear him grumble and his eyes flutter open, "you need to stop doing that."

Kissing him again softly once more, he begins to smile, "why?" I question and feel his arms loosen around me.

Bucky's left hand is on my face and he makes me look at him, leaning down to press his lips against my own, softly and slowly and then more forceful, his vibranium fingers runs through my hair and down to my neck as he brings me closer.

He pulls me towards him with the arm around my back and my arms come free and allow me to hold him in the way I need to, one hand on his face, moving to his neck to pull him as close to me as I can, the other on his chest, I can feel how heavy he is breathing as he smiles against my lips.

We are tangled together, limbs and lips locked, breathing in every inch of one another, connecting on a level I could never of dreamed of.

Bucky and I pull away at the same time and smile at one another, it's only now I realise I'm sat on his lap and reminded he is pretty much naked beneath me, only the thin fabric of my pajamas keeping us apart,

My breathing is heavy and I know my cheeks are flushed as I rest my forehead on his, his arms wrap around me again, kissing my jaw before I pull myself off him, smirking, and stand from the bed and go into Bucky's bathroom.

I stand against the door after closing it, taking heavy breaths, my mind full of sex and Bucky and all that could've been.

Neither of you want that though, not yet, not really.

I splash my face with cold water and as I pat my skin dry I can hear him moving about behind the bathroom door.

Quickly turning on the shower I undress and step in, allowing the hot water to run down my back.

Once I'm finished I grab a towel and realisation hits, I have no fresh clothes, I tuck the towel tight under my arms and open the door slightly, "Bucky?"

No response.

Damn it.

I look out further and he's not here, crap.

My mind races to where he's gone, but I convince myself it'll be to get coffee, give me privacy, something along those lines, Bucky wouldn't just leave me in here otherwise.

I walk over to his draws, wondering if he'd mind me going through them to find something to wear, I'd give him it back, just something to get to my room.

I hear the door open behind me and feel my shoulders tense as I hesitate to turn around.

"Eden?" Bucky's voice instantly fills me with relief.

Spinning on my heels I smile at his curious face, "what're you doing?" He smirks.

"I didn't want to put on my old clothes and I wondered whether you'd mind.. it doesn't matter."

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