Chapter 51.

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Bucky smiles down at me and I feel like the butterflies in my stomach are going wild at just his gaze being on me.

"Stop it."

He frowns at me as I squeeze my eyes shut and turn away from him.

I feel his hand on my wrist and he spins me back around to face him, he's shaking his head at me, questioning what I'm doing and saying.

"What's wrong?" He leans down to my ear so I can hear him a little clearer above the music.

"You know what's wrong, Buck." I lean into him, his vibranium hand goes to my waist as he holds me to him while we talk.

"No Eden, I don't."

"You do, you're being all cute, and giving me that look," "what look?"

I pull back from him and imitate the expression he's had on his face every time we lock eyes.

Softening my eyes and giving a hint of a smile, I look him up and down and then bite my lip.

Bucky's chest heaves with a laugh, "and what look is that?" He smirks.

A heavy sigh escapes me and I can't help feel like he's playing games with me.

The both of us can do that.

I put my hand on his hip and pull up his shirt slightly while doing so, letting my fingers graze against the defined skin on his hip, along the line of his boxers.

His body tenses and I look at him under hooded eyes, meeting his own in a mutual glare that gives me goosebumps.

Bucky swallows and I lick my lips before putting my other hand on his neck and pulling him down to me to whisper in his ear.

"Like you want to fuck me, that's what look you're giving me."

He swallows harder and now I get to enjoy how he reacts to me still.

I step back and look at him, removing any touch I've given to this brooding man looking at me with lust evident in his face.

Our eyes stay on one another's for what feels like forever before he starts to speak, quickly I interrupt him.

"Have you made up your mind about us?"

It's clear he's taken aback, and he looks at the floor first before giving me his attention once more.

"I still need some time.."

That's all I need to hear, I turn and make myself disappear into the crowd, he wants to have me and not have me all at the same time.

I find the bar and order myself a drink and three shots of tequila, I don't care about anything else in this moment, my mind is on Bucky and I need to clear it the fuck out.

The bar man reminds me of Bucky slightly, they have similar builds, their facial hair is around the same length... I need to get him out of my damn head.

Downing my shots I feel the buzz of alcohol instantly overwhelming me, tequila is gross, but I know it'll get to me quickly.

I take my drink and wander over to a group of young guys, feeling in control as I stride up towards them and start any type of conversation.

"Hey haven't I seen you before?" I say as a dark skinned guy with braids smiles at me, his eyes are deep and mesmerizing and he radiates warm and kind energy.

He frowns at my question then smiles, "no baby I don't think you have."

I bite my lip, pulling my best flirty face, "damn, you look so familiar, like a model or something?"

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