Chapter 47.

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The party starts to die down around twelve am, the people left around are those I know better, and most people retire to the lounge area with a smaller bar where Jack has been asked to take over, much to my enjoyment.

It seems to be mostly the younger people sat around, talking to one another about whatever they please.

I've found myself happily perched on a barstool where I can watch over those sat on the sofas. I've taken two more pills and had much more to drink and my head is fuzzy and clouded with nothing but Bucky.

"Jack, where are you from?" I slur at him and he chuckles as he makes a drink for Nat stood beside me at the bar.

"LA babe."

"Oh the city of angels huh? I thought you had that vibe about you." My flirting gets worse the more fucked I am.

"If I'm an angel then that must make you the devil." He winks and places Nats drink down on a napkin in front of her and goes to serve someone else leaving me with a cheeky smirk.

"Could he try any harder? He wants you bad, girl."

I swat her arm with a giggle, noticing Bucky's eyes on me still, god he needs to get over himself.

That's a lie, you love having his attention.

A stupid, ridiculous, thought pops into my head and I slide off my seat and drag Nat with me over to the brooding super soldier and his lovely best friend.

"So, how about we go out?" I propose and Bucky looks at me like I'm insane.


"Hmm I was thinking next weekend? You can bring your new girlfriend Bucky? We can all get to know her!" My voice is shaky, I see Steve's eyes widen at Nat.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea.." Nat begins.

"Why? Bucky is gonna have to introduce her to us at some point, and we're friends, right Buck?" I interrupt Nat but don't even look at her.

My eyes are focused on Bucky who is glaring at me as I sit on the coffee table in front of him.



I swallow hard.

"What?" Steve says softly, we're still staring at each other.

"No, it's a great idea, she'd love to meet you all."

It's like a stab to the heart.

"Good, I can't wait to see my upgrade." I can only bite back at him to save myself getting upset.

Bucky raises his eyebrows and bites his lip, he's annoyed, it's obvious, but he's not gonna let that on to anyone. "It'll be fun."

"Good!" I say and start to get up, with both my high ass heels and drug fueled mind, I become unsteady and grab the closest thing to steady myself.

"Shit," I say as my hand grips onto Bucky's leg and he locks his jaw tight, his nostrils flaring.

I stand myself up straight, "now, there was a suggestion of going out?" I smirk at Nat and she stifles a laugh, "I'm up for it." She stands and we look down at Steve and Bucky, I almost suggest inviting Wanda and Pietro but realise I've not seen them in a while and they've probably left.

"Steve?" I put on my best puppy dog eyes.

He looks hesitant, "if you guys don't want to go, Eden and I can just go?" She pauses for just a second as she catches my eye, "..alone."

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