Chapter 8.

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My eyes feel heavy as I wake, rubbing the sleep from my eyes I smile as I see Bucky slumped in the lounge chair against the wall.

His eyes are jittery, his lips moving just slightly as he sleeps, and then he jumps, his head shaking.

I'm on my feet and in front of him in seconds, "Bucky?" I shake him awake and he looks panicked.

"Are you okay?"

I smile, he seems to always be asking me that, "are you?"

He nods, "I am now."

"Why did you sleep here?" "I wanted to be here if you-" he looks down and then back up at me with a half smile.

"If I got upset? You didn't have to do that Bucky!" I can't help myself as I put my hand up to his face.

He places his own hand on mine and pulls it from his face, enclosing it in both of his hands. "I didn't have to, I wanted to."

I give him an awkward smile and stand up, "breakfast?"

"Sounds great!" Bucky stands and smiles back at me.

I head to the door but an idea pops into my head. "I'll meet you there, I just have to do something."

I receive a smile as I head out the door and up the stairs to the floor above me, I reach the door I need and take a deep breath before opening it and creeping in quietly.

Small, adorable snores escape Morgan as she lays curled up sound asleep in her bed. I sit on the edge and she stirs slightly and her eyes open just enough to look at me. "Eden?" Her little face gets more excited as she wakes up further.

"Hi cutie! Do you want to come get breakfast with me? I'm sorry about last night" I give her my biggest sorry eyes and she giggles.

"Can we read my book tonight?" She beams up at me as she climbs out of bed and puts on her little slippers.

"You've just woke up and already you're thinking about going to bed?" I tickle her neck as she walks beside me to the kitchen.

Morgan shrugs, "Daddy said he would read it but I said it has to be you!" She folds her arms and runs a little ahead of me to the top of the stairs.

Despite a slight headache I'm feeling okay this morning, Morgan's giggles as she tells me stories seem to make the day a lot brighter.

When we reach the kitchen, Bucky has made us sausage sandwiches, vegan for me, he picked up on that little detail fairly quickly. He sees Morgan by my side and his eyes widen and look to me, panic evident "I didn't make her anything?"

I crouch down to my sisters eye level, "what do you wanna eat kiddo?"

Morgan looks at me, then Bucky, and back to me. "Coco pops!!" She beams in my direction.

I put my hands up as if in defense, "hey! Don't tell me, tell the chef!" I point at Bucky and he bends down to her level, copying me.

"Coco pops please!" She grins and he smiles back at her. "I think I can manage that, although it might take hourrrrrs to make." He exaggerates to make her laugh and he pokes her little tummy, Morgan squeaks and she leans on me, her little arms around my neck.

"Don't be silly! I can make it in five minutes Bucky!" She grins at me and I mirror it and look at Bucky, I stand and he does the same.

Bucky chuckles to himself as he walks over to the cupboard and prepares Morgan's breakfast quickly and brings both hers and mine to where we've sat at the table, before grabbing his own and sitting opposite me to eat.

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