Chapter 9.

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Bucky isn't in the kitchen when I walk back in, no one is, I head to his room to find him but he isn't there either, I ponder the possibility he's gone to my room to look for me but as I enter, there's no sign of him, I decided to get washed and dressed before I continue my search.

When I finally find Bucky he is reading quietly in a small nook in a seating area not many people use on the basement floor.

My first instinct is to go over to him, but instead I stand back and watch as he flicks over a page and his brows furrow as he reads over it.

Bucky holds the book in one hand as he grabs a pen in the other and begins scribbling in a notebook I hadn't noticed sits on his lap.

I finally decide to walk over and as Bucky notices he quickly closes and attempts to hide the notebook, I don't want to pry so pretend I haven't seen it when I sit down on a sofa opposite him. "What're you reading?"

He gives me a small smile, "uh it's just.." he shows me the front cover of the book and I'm annoyed my face does nothing to hide my surprise, 'The Great American History' is printed on the cover.

"I just wanted to know what I missed."

My heart warms for him, I can't imagine how distressing missing chunks of time must be.

"Any way I can help?" I walk over and perch myself beside him, I can't help notice how he's sat with his legs crossed on the sofa, he's taken his boots off and his socks have little Captain America shields on, a giggle escapes me and he looks down and rolls his eyes. "Steve gave me them for my birthday."

I smile and lean towards him looking at the page he's currently reading, the JFK assassination. Shit.

"Bucky-" "it's okay."

I look up at him and realize I'm a little closer to him than I intended, my eyes drop to his mouth as he licks his lips and then smiles. I look back up at his face.

"W-what else have you learnt?" I pull myself away from how close I've allowed myself to get to him.

"Colonizing, wars.. and stuff." Bucky laughs and covers his face with his hand, I can't help but giggle along.

"The usual American history then?" A smirk tugs at my mouth, and he nods his head while he laughs.

We banter back and forth about the failures of American history for a while before we finally stop laughing together.

Bucky places his history book and notepad on the table beside him and leans down to put on his boots.


Oh fuck.

My attention is drawn to the arch behind me into the corridor to the armory.

The Sokovian accent is clear in his voice as a figure appears just seconds after I move myself away from Bucky.

Pietro rounds the corner followed by Wanda and they both greet me with huge smiles.

I stand and head over to them, Wanda looks so happy to see me that I can't help but squeeze her a little when I give her a hug.

Pietro quickly grabs me when he gets his turn and lifts me in the air, twirling me around. "I have been so excited to see you!" He kisses my cheek.

I can't look at Bucky, for some reason I feel as though by allowing Pietro to grab and kiss me I'm doing something wrong. It's nonsense! There's nothing going on, but then I'm not sure he's met the twins and I mentally slap myself out of my own thoughts as I feel like I should introduce them.

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