Chapter 30

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"Now get ready," Bucky says and releases me from his hold against the wall, he kisses me and smirks knowingly, "you have a nice glow to your face now."

Fuck he's too good.

I hurry to get ready, all while under his watchful gaze, he eyes me carefully as I put on my underwear, purposely taking my time to let him watch me, I can tease him just as well as he can me.

I pull on a dress and he rakes his eyes up my body, he stands and slowly walks over to me, I hold my hair up and he pulls the zip up my back.

Bucky kisses the skin on my shoulder and keeps his lips pressed against me as he looks over my shoulder at our reflection in the mirror, "you look beautiful."

I look back at him and smile, "we need to go." I turn and kiss him quickly before grabbing his hand and pulling him down to dinner with me.

As we reach the sound of voices I feel nervous, Bucky gives me a reassuring nudge forward into the room and Peter spots us immediately, rushing to pull me further into the room to a small, dark haired woman.

"May, this is Eden!" He beams from her to me and I smile to them both, "hi, it's so lovely to finally meet you!" I say slightly awkwardly.

May gives me a sincere hug and her embrace is warm, "I'm so sorry you're both going through this."

How can this woman be so okay with all of this? How is she so convinced I haven't done anything wrong? Does she have that much faith in Peters word and the fact he trusts me?

"I care more about how it affects Peter than myself," I say and mean it. Peter stands awkwardly and his eyes find Bucky, "oh, this is Edens boyfriend, Bucky."

Oh that sounds weird, I look at the bold grin on the handsome face beside me and I know instantly he loves hearing that.

"Hey," Bucky greets May and she raises her eyebrows and looks him up and down before smiling at me knowingly, receiving a smug grin from me in return.

"Everyone sit, dinner is ready!" My father says and sits at the center of the table beside Pepper. I sit beside Bucky and Peter, facing Sam who wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"What's this all about?" Sam asks us, leaning over the table and I nod my head to gesture in Peter's direction.

"What? He's here all the time?" Sam pulls a face that makes us laugh and then looks further down the table at Peters Aunt, "oooh," he smirks and straightens his shirt.

Bucky and I both look at each other and laugh, "here we go." I chuckle and sit back in my seat as Bucky grabs a bottle of wine from the table and fills my glass.

"Here Buck," Steve appears and offers a beer over Bucky's shoulder before sitting down beside Sam.

I notice Pietro and Wanda at the other end of the table, and I try my best not to look in at least his direction, Wanda catches my eye and smiles at me and I feel genuinely sorry that it has turned out this way.

Bucky squeezes my leg with his hand and I look at him, "dont let him ruin your night." I know he means Pietro, who else could he be talking about.

I lean into him and he meets me in the middle and kisses my forehead, I'm not totally comfortable with full kisses in front of these guys and my father especially and Bucky I think is on the same page so doesn't mind.

We show affection publicly in other ways right now, whether it be touching knees, a hand on a thigh, holding hands, his arm around my chair, even a look between us says a million things and I'm grateful I have that connection with him.

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